It is already close: 5 signs of approaching divorce


It is not always possible to catch the moment when the relationship is beginning to felt on the seams. Many couples simply ignore the problems in the family, preferring to close the eyes on some unpleasant moments of their lives. And the divorce samples completely unnoticed. We decided to disassemble five signs that are loudestly talking about what you need to take action, otherwise the family will fall apart.

One of the spouses begins to criticize his half

Listen to the remark about the incorrectly folded linen or the unbearable utensils can still be, however, when the criticism concerns the personality of the partner, it is not worth to endure such. Marriage should not bring you unpleasant emotions.

The main markers of discontent with your personality will be phrases starting with "you are always ...", "you never ...". Similarly, one of the spouses expresses discontent with his partner, saying what is bad and unjustifying expectations.

If you do not consider a divorce as the logical outcome of your relationship, try to change the approach to your second half, namely, you follow what you say to the partner. Criticize not a person, but actions, if you are upset about something, inform your spouse, instead of presenting unreasonable claims.

Learn to talk to partner

Learn to talk to partner


One of the spouses begins to despise the second

Sometimes enough of one glance so that the person blame you in disrespect. And you might not keep in mind anything offensive, but the partner just looking for a reason to argue and complete the scandal dialogue. In this situation, you need to learn how to prevent such fees from the spouse dramatically, explaining that his words and gestures are unpleasant to you. In turn, try to monitor ourselves and not use rough phrases in relation to partner.

Permanent accusations

Sometimes a person is so negatively charged that he needed to release steam and he breaks off on his second half: first the spouse is ridicked by ridiculous accusations, the second begins to defend themselves and sometimes quite aggressively, ready - conflict is created. The family will not last long in a similar mode.

Psychologists advise themselves more often to put themselves in place of another person, try to delve into the situation. Do not hurry to put forward counter charges, understand what caused such behavior and offense at you.

Stop accuse in all the soul mate

Stop accuse in all the soul mate


Spouse closes

Sometimes a person tries to avoid any conflict situations and simply goes into itself when the scandal is brewing. The partner is confident that any of his words will be met with criticism, and therefore decides not at all to take part in the dispute, which is also incorrect. If you do not want to participate in the conflict, it does not mean that it is not. In relations it is very important to establish a dialogue and generally talk more, otherwise misunderstanding and I will accompany you throughout the marriage.

Partner recalls past resentment

Each family has moments that do not want to remember that there are pairs that seek to preserve and strengthen relations. The permanent reminders of the unpleasant moments of their past only give you away from each other and in the end everything will end with your gap. Psychologists strongly recommend not to be distracted by the past, live in real and cease to mention negative situations, accusing in their accomplishment of their spouse. Concentrate on the good thing that you have now, otherwise your family will split very soon.

Adjust dialogue

Adjust dialogue


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