5 dietary and useful recipes with cabbage


Recipe number 1

Cook oatmeal with cabbage. In 100 grams of the finished product of only 58 kilocalories.

For the test you will need: one egg, half a cup of kefir, as much crumpled in a blender or coffee grinder of oatmeal, a bundle of low-fat cottage cheese, in half a spoon of salt and soda.

The filling depends on your preferences. At such a number of test, usually takes Polkochan - grams of 600 cabbage, two boiled eggs and greens to taste.

Mix all the ingredients for the dough and place half in the washesized shape. Push up with a cabbage with eggs and lay out the remaining half of the dough. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees, while your cake does not cover a golden crust.

This vegetable is very useful.

This vegetable is very useful.


Recipe number 2.

Cabbage pancakes. Cylolarius in them slightly more - 82, but it is worth it.

Ingredients: kefir - 1 cup, two eggs, a teaspoon of soda, literally a drop of olive oil, two glasses of chopped cabbage, a little flour, ground black pepper, greens and salt lay in taste.

We make dough as on pancakes. I enter flour until the dough starts reminding thick sour cream. Do not quit soda vinegar, it will make kefir! Add greens and cabbage. Grease the frying pan with olive oil, lay the mixture with a tablespoon, and bake pancakes until readiness.

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Recipe number 3.

Cabbage casserole with minced meat, very tasty and dietary, because 100 grams of the finished product are only 112 kilocalories.

You will need: 700 grams of cabbage, poles, chicken or beef, who loves, 1-2 carrots, big bulbs, 200 grams of low-fat cheese and half-liter yogurt without additives.

Onions finely crumble, fry with a small amount of oil to a golden color, add mince to him to salute, pepper, stew 15-20 minutes. On another soon, fry carrots, rubbed on the middle grater, add a finely chopped cabbage to it. Vegetables need to be salted slightly, and stew under the lid on a small fire for about 15-20 minutes.

In the form for the baking, lay out half the cabbage, lubricate it with yogurt. Then goes the layer of minced mela, also with yogurt. To put the remaining cabbage to the stuffing, smear yogurt, sprinkle with cheese. Put the form in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees. The ready-made casserole is cool, and cut on portions.

Cabbage Magnificent Dietary Dishes

Cabbage Magnificent Dietary Dishes


Recipe number 4.

Vitamin cabbage salad is a very light dish, 100 grams have only 41 kilocaloria.

Take a young cabbage, fresh carrots, apples, preferably not very sweet. You still need a bunch of green onions and a couple of sweet peppers salt and ground pepper to taste.

Sattail on a large grater Carrot and apples, put the cabbage, finely cut down onions and pepper. Stir vegetables, add spices. Salad can be fed by olive oil or lemon juice.

Cabbage and carrots - the simplest salad

Cabbage and carrots - the simplest salad


Recipe number 5.

Cabbage cutlets. Per 100 grams - 74.72 kilocalories.

You will need it for this recipe: Cabbage - 1 kg, onion head, half a cup of mankey and flour, garlic, greens, breadcrumbs, spices - to taste.

Cabbage cut into 4 parts and negotiate in salted water for about 8-10 minutes, leak on the colander so that water glass, and then skip through the meat grinder and push to finally remove the extra liquid. Tighten the bow, squeeze the garlic through the press, the greenery is finely bare. Mix all the ingredients. Form the cake from this mass, cut break in breadcrumbs and fry on olive oil to crispy golden crust.

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