How to protect a child from harassment at school


Where Bulling is taken from

It is no secret that every child has its own psychotic, which is formed from the genetic predisposition and education in the family and society. In some families, parents interact with their children from the position of force, no one explains anything, parents are able to communicate only on elevated colors. Therefore, the child in this family survives, and he has a persistent concept that only one wins, who has power. Hence the desire to make fun on a weaker. Most often, schoolchildren who are subjected to bullying are children who do not know how to rebuff. These are not particularly talkative, intimidated, sometimes the parents themselves, children. The child needs to be taught to fight, defend themselves, be able to defend their point of view both morally and physically. If parents cannot teach it this, then you need to contact the specialists.

How to understand what is mocking over the child

Most likely, you will see such manifestations as closeness, mood change, stuttering, explicit reluctance to go to school. He will start looking for a way to avoid visiting lessons. At the child, abrasions, bruises or scratches can occur periodically. Any changes in the behavior of a schoolboy should alert parents. With the child, it is necessary to talk and find out the true reason for changing his behavior.

Julia Kovalchuk

Julia Kovalchuk

What to do if the child is etched

In no case can not panic. It is necessary to treat the current situation with understanding and try to find out the child how parents can help him. Then you must necessarily agree with the child further actions. Unfortunately, parents often believe that they know better, how to do, at the same time make reckless acts that strongly affect the child's psyche and only aggravating his difficult position in school. It is necessary to talk with the class teacher to understand his reaction to what is happening. If the school has a psychologist, then it is desirable to inform him that he can work with all the participants in this situation. The school should understand that the parents keep under control everything that happens to their child. If the class teacher believes that this is not a school problem, parents should consult on the telephone service and with lawyers who work there. They will be able to paint the algorithm legally correct actions. And perhaps, one of the steps in this algorithm will be addressed to the police. Everything will depend on the complexity of the situation.

Who can help the victim of the bulling

A schoolboy can call himself to the city confidence service where professionals work who will help to cope with the current situation, feelings and, possibly, with a depressive or suicidal state. Most likely, a specialist from the service will try to contact psychologists and school to find out the full picture of what is happening. And then controls what kind of school measures were taken to eliminate the bulling.

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