Valeria Lanskaya: "I want to eat tasty in the evening, but you can not, you need to be in the form"


Speaks, TV series, musicals, home care, sonication of the son. Valeria Lanskaya's daily life consists of many concerns of a resident of the metropolis plus a constant search for projects that could best affect the career of the actress.

- Valeria, you played almost since childhood in the young actor theater, what did it give you?

"Understanding that this is my life, my profession, what I always want to do."

- And from a professional point of view?

- By entering the institute, I clearly knew that the acting profession was not a fairy tale, not fireworks, not only popular with its advantages, but also labor, competition, constant struggle and working on themselves. After all, the theater of a young actor is an absolutely adult theater, despite the fact that children play there. There were tour and intrigue - everything is both in adults, professional theaters.

- You changed quite a lot of schools, what was it connected with?

- At first I lived at my grandmother, then my class moved to the second shift, it became uncomfortable to me in connection with sports. Found another school. Then I moved to my mother, to another district of Moscow. Then our teachers of the young actor theater group decided that we should learn in the same class at the Kazarnovsky school. And after the general educational items, they continued to rehearse with our teachers. It was convenient for teachers. Someone stayed for the second year, someone passed the external to everyone in one class. But a year later, when the children were in the morning to night in one place, everyone began to swear, and it became a problem. Most parents took their children from this class. And I went to the next school. Then there was a lot of classes: Sports, Music, Dancing, Theater, so we decided that I would end the school external.

- When did you understand that the Schukin Institute is your place of study?

- I came everywhere where they took. Then there was a 350 contest in place. And now - more than 500. This is such a hellish competition, there is no choice. Somewhere take - and thank God.

Valeria Lanskaya:

In addition to theatrical works, Valery boasts an extensive filmography. In the photo: Actress in the series "Fighters. The last fight"

- What is the main difference between the Schukinsky Institute from the rest?

- Completely different schools. Different learning systems: Stanislavsky, Chekhov, Meyerhold. In each university its own system. This is an eternal competition between theatrical universities - who is more correct.

- At the time of study, you were accepted in Sachirikon, where many actors try to get; Why not stayed in the theater?

"From the play that Konstantin Arkadyevich put a diploma for his course, a girl was gone - either in the decret, or she decided that it was not her, he urgently searched for a singing and dancing actress, literally a month before the release of the performance. Since he himself Shchukinsky, he came to Pike, got to our show and chose me. So hit the play. The guys were on the course older. I was on the third, and they are on the fourth. And left the theater, because it is absolutely impossible to combine work in Satirone at that time when you are not in the star status, with shooting and work in other theaters is absolutely impossible. And I just started samples, castings. I was interested, it was the start of my career. I wanted to remove, and not just serve in the theater. And it is not known when Konstantin Arkadyevich would give me some significant roles. I am not his student and pupil. Although I loved the theater very much and worked there with great pleasure. But the choice got up. Then I needed to defend a diploma. And the teachers swore that I lived in Satirikon and did not study at all. Keosayan approved me a full meter - again the choice: Shooting he, study at the institute or work in the theater. I chose shooting and agreed with teachers, urgently came out.

- It turns out, you constantly searched for your theater: Moon theater, Wakhtangov, Rybnikova, Moscow Gubernaya Theater?

- Yes, it was. But at all without the theater I can not imagine my life. Without a scene - in no way. I always wanted to have a theater house. Where it will be possible to serve for many years and be proud of roles, partners, directors. So I was looking for such an artistic director. Who would understand what the shooting for the artist was released, and at the same time I would be interested in the theater. And to be dramatic performances. I have a dramatic education. I want to play drama. I have anyone where, I have many concerts, musicals. And today, some directors have ceased to perceive as a dramatic actress. And it's a shame, because I am not just a singer who plays something there. However, the stereotype was just such. But working with the school of the modern play, I hope will be long. Here I am comfortable.

The actress is confident that being married to the director and the screenwriter is beneficial in all respects. Valeria really trusts Stas and is always glad to his advice

The actress is confident that being married to the director and the screenwriter is beneficial in all respects. Valeria really trusts Stas and is always glad to his advice

Photo: Personal archive

- Now you play the play "That very day"?

- For me, this is the challenge myself, because I have not played drama for a long time. Only in the province with Khabarov in the "bench". But there is retro. And I was interested to do something modern. And the character of my heroine is the opposite of the opposite of me myself. I did not do anything like the Institute. She is older, a little rude, insecure. And I'm soft in life. Then I was always an awesome opponent Mata, and then I took it as a dality as a trend in the modern world. This is an integral part. So written in the play. This performance has a mate should not be an interference with a positive perception.

- You said that movie and theater are different professions, and musical?

- Musical - work on the last row, organizing, play large, wide. She is close to theatrical. In addition to the fact that the actors play, they still have to move well. It always seemed to me that the musical was the next step. But working and there, and there, I realized that these are different genres. Through music it is easier to achieve some emotions from the viewer. Previously, I was sure that the musical was harder. Now I doubt. Just a different manner.

- Born in January January - is it happiness or not?

- I'm used to. Congratulate a Happy New Year more often. But it is not scary. This is a day off, I can assemble my friends at home.

- I wrote a lot about your novels, and often everything turned out with some rumors. How did you meet your spouse Stas Ivanov?

- I starred in Yaroslavl. And Stas there I shot my film. We lived in one hotel. There and met breakfast.

- You are an actress, your husband is a director. In such a situation, more advantages or minuses?

- Pluses, of course. We speak the same language. I recognize some nuances of the filmmaster. Stas worked and producer, and director, before he became a director, he knows a lot about the nuances, which actors do not even guess. I was always wondering how it happens on the other side. Stas himself writes scripts. This is such creative and difficult job. He is advised to me, I am with him. On the first run of the new performance, he suggested me some things. I would not have thought of them. I really trust him. Stas looks fresh look, suggests, I try. And it works.

- Do you suggest something to him?

- Sometimes it is advised. Again, a fresh and adequate view from the side is always plus in that work in which you brew.

- You do not have such that came home and forgot about work?

- No, we are pleased to share news.

- You somehow said that heavily transfers loneliness ...

- No, I love to be alone. I am good alone with myself. I think I watch movies, read books, draw. I write, embroider.

- How often happens to be alone?

- Only on business trips. Now filmed in Kiev, it was 50 working days. Evenings after the change were mine. But all day never happens to be alone. At any convenient case, I go to the child to the family.

Valery and her spouse Stas Ivanov do not exclude that their son or sister may appear at their son Artemma

Valery and her spouse Stas Ivanov do not exclude that their son or sister may appear at their son Artemma

Photo: Personal archive

- How do you manage to combine care of the family with your long expeditions?

- For three months of filming in Kiev, I had 43 flights. And I also played performances in Moscow. I slept with a child midnight, three nights went to the airport. The only way.

- Who helps with the upbringing of the son of Artemia?

- Grandmother, nanny, my sister, dad - everyone helps.

- Do you calmly treat someone else's people in the house?

- It is difficult to find a person who can be trusted by the most expensive child. Thank God, we were lucky. Such a person was found. If there is an opportunity so that at home there was my mom or husband, it's better. But every day it is impossible, all working.

- What talents notice in the Son?

- He madly like everything connected with physical exertion. He does not get tired of it. Engaged in sports gymnastics. Successfully. And tennis. We still swim.

- You said that you still want two children at least ...

- No, I did not talk about it. Give God one more. He would have enough health.

- How do you achieve the task?

- Just hardly worry. Without difficulty will not work. Much does not come out. After all, I want hop - and everything turned out. But it does not happen. Permanent search, work on yourself. I look at my work on the part, I study. I fix mistakes. We must keep yourself in shape. I want to eat tasty in the evening, but it is impossible, you need to be in shape.

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