Victoria Daineko: "I am an enviable bride!"


- Vika, in the sidelines already discussed your new video clip on the song "Bay yourself." Why did you decide to shoot a video exactly on this song?

"I recently finished recording my album in London, and I could not wait to release already at least some song and remove the clip on it. Maybe this clip is not similar to all that I did before, and in nature, and on history, but I was interested to experiment. It seems to me that everything is already accustomed to my softness and romanticity, but I, like anyone, beside different. Therefore, this clip showed the second side of the Vicky Daineko.

"And what is she - the second side of the Vicky Daineko?"

- Well, she is daring. Despite all his romanticism, I can be quite tough, especially with people who offend me. I am very sweet and good until the person begins to make unpleasant things. I am not from the vengeal, but at the same time a person to stroke the head for his bad actions will not become, I will not forgive and allow it to act in the future. You can say, I am a girl with character.

- Did you make your hand to the plot of the movie?

- Probably, first time in my life I took part in creating a clip, practically producing it. This is my project, I did everything alone: ​​from the search for a song and create an arrangement to the record of vocal. Plus, I was looking for the most important heroes myself, claimed them, looking for a director, discussed the scenario with him. The plot is based on a love triangle. Two girls and just one guy who confused little. I play the role of one of these girls. We also decided to add a little mysticism, mysteriousness and emotions, so we shot our little blockbuster for half a day.

- What was the most difficult on set?

- It was not the most difficult for me, and our main hero: he had to fly and ride on the floor. This is not just a clip, where I sing on one background, on the other and then I go beautifully there, here, here we all had to move. We had directories and cascaders. It was physically difficult, but no less interesting. I have not received such pleasure from work for a long time.

His new Vika album recorded in London. .

His new Vika album recorded in London. .

- In what moments did you need cascaders?

- Caskaders did not need me, and our chief hero. Because we have a wonderful guy Stephen James starred in the clip - a very popular model. And I understood that the face of the model in no case cannot be spoiled by fights and tricks that we had in the scenario. Therefore, periodically something had to make cascaders for security. I felt a huge responsibility for our guest. I was looking for a person for a major role for a very long time, I had to persuade Stephen for a long time, so that he flew to Russia and took part in the filming of our clip. I could not let something happened to him.

- Well, if you did not have a horse to stop and enter the burning hut, what do you remember most on the set?

- The whole clip is very emotional. It was even a scene, where I was somewhat shy, because they were rather frank. I was dressed in underwear. But all the extra people I removed from the set so that no one takes a picture of me in my dress.

- Vika, recently in your life there were a lot of situations that were pretty frightened fans: they were taken away with appendicitis, they hit you. Well, just a catastrophe girl! ..

- I would say a girl adventure. It seems to me that my friends are already accustomed to such because I constantly happen to me - and good, and not very. But everything is fine, which ends well. Most of all I was frightened, of course, at the end of last year, when, instead of two performances, I had ambulance and resuscitation due to what I hit the current. The worst thing that happened from all my "adventures". But, thank God, it cost without any consequences.

- After that, nothing like that has not had time to happen to you, I hope?

- Well, if you do not take into account the robbery of the house in London, where I lived and where I have never had anything like that until I did not appear there, yes, so far nothing happened. (Laughs.)

In the new video of Victoria Daineko, Stephen James starred - a very popular model. .

In the new video of Victoria Daineko, Stephen James starred - a very popular model. .

- And how came out that your home robbed?

"I was in London on vacation and left for one day to take a walk in Paris." And when he returned home, I realized that one of the doors was hacked. And I lived in a decent house, in a good area, near the recording studio. The first few minutes was, of course, scary. I closed the door and moved away. I had to call the hostess with which we already went inside. I calmed down when, despite the inverted bedroom on the third floor, my things remained practically intact. Only some kind of headphones disappeared. But I thought it was nervously. The main thing was that I was not at the time of robbery at home. I consider myself luckier, even though some adventures occur with me periodically.

- I saw, by the way, in your Twitter, where you are lying under a dropper in some clinic. What was the story?

- This story was inflated from nothing. I just passed a survey in the German clinic. I am a singer who works almost 24 hours a day, and I can not afford such a luxury as a disease. In the clinic I passed the usual examination. Such a panic was arranged, because it is a clinic for the rehabilitation of oncological patients. But in principle, what's the difference in which clinic lie? I went to this hospital simply because the chief doctor there is a very good doctor. And he just put me a diagnosis - gluten intolerance. But we, as usual, everyone loves to dramatize. They arranged a whole story from this!

- What does your producer do Igor Matvienko relate to the fact that you periodically fall into the grill and thus have to cancel concerts?

- My producer was very worried about all this. Concerts with concerts, but it would be nice to stay alive. In fact, I really appreciate the support of my producer center, because there will always take care of human health, and then they already think about some events and concerts. After hitting the current, I screamed that I would go onto the scene. I spoke to doctors: "Why do you knock me soothing! I can't sing! " I was answered: "Are you crazy? How is it singing? " And only after the Director-General rang with the words: "What to sing, let go to the hospital!" I gave up and decided that it was still necessary to obey the specialists, because the consequences, unfortunately, are very different. I decided that, probably, it is better to relax today than to work out a couple of concerts and on this to complete your activities.

- Why did you decide to record in London? In Russia, it seems to be the studios too ...

- The fact is that I grew up to British music, I always liked it very much. At some point I wanted to create such a small musical experiment and go to London. There is a wonderful musical producer, whose songs I listened in my childhood, not knowing that someday I myself would be in show business. Therefore, I could not miss the opportunity to work with him what I am glad.

- Probably, is it the cheapest pleasure?

- It turned out cheaper than in Russia, to be honest. I am a girl who earns a living itself, and is not the content of some millionaire, therefore it is quite pragmatic going to solve issues. I chose London to record to make work efficiently and at the same time not to become bankrupt.

- It is remembered that after the victory in the "Star Factory" you were promised to give an apartment in Moscow. Did you give in the end?

- Yes, long ago gave. And I, to be honest, I already changed it and I live in another! I always dreamed of my own apartment, therefore approached the creation of the design seriously. Revised many magazines with the interiors that inspired me. And together with his girlfriend, an architect created his own home. In general, I, as sometimes they say enviable bride. (Laughs.)

Vika admits that some scenes of the new video turned out rather frank. Photo:

Vika admits that some scenes of the new video turned out rather frank. Photo:

- That's certain. By the way, you sometimes communicate with your former young people, many of whom are representatives of show business: Pavel Artemyev, Alexey Vorobiev.

- I have long been no longer communicated with Pasha Artemyev. Not because it is bad for him, but simply did not cross. And Lesha Vorobyov does not speak with me since we quarreled. By the way, I do not remember even because of what they quarreled. I can't tell anything bad about the guys. I feel good to everyone, I have no complaints.

- And now your heart is employed by someone?

- You can say so. But this person is not an artist, although it is related to show business. You are unlikely to know this person.

- He's not accidentally from London?

- Why do you ask the question to which I can not answer? (Smiles.) This is my personal life. I just do not want to talk where he lives. And when I get married, I will definitely inform you.

- What qualities should have the man of your dreams?

- Life - she is so funny. As they say, never say "Never." When it seems that I like blondes, I will definitely fall aside in the Brunet. If I say that I do not want to communicate with men from show business, the guy will definitely be from this sphere. Therefore, it is just important to me that with a person I experienced some positive emotions. I try to appreciate every moment, but you need to be able to let go when everything ends and do not hold on for what no more positive emotions do not bring any positive emotions.

- Vika, tell us how do you like to spend your free time?

- It all depends on the time period. I am engaged in sports, fitness with a coach and kick-boxing.

- That is, if someone sticks to you on the street, you can repulse?

- Yes, this person risks getting his head. (Laughs.) Although I still, a girl who does not have people. Only coach. Or bag. But I do not give myself offense.

- In addition to sports and music, what else is present in your life?

- If I know that I have a day off tomorrow, I can just buy a ticket and fly to my favorite London, to friends. It so happened that for the year of work I had my little life there. In general, when I have a tour, then the most favorite place in my house is a bedroom. (Smiles.) Since my work is all sorts of parties and parties, I sometimes love to sit on the couch, watch movies, chat with friends or just silently study something online, read books. I love a relaxing holiday. I have a mini-biblipotee at home. In general, now, with the advent of the Internet, it became possible to get any book on your mobile device. But I still prefer real books and love them very much. Unfortunately, I have enough time to just sit down and read. I always begin to be distracted by something else.

- You have long been and seriously learn foreign languages. How to advance in this matter?

"Every time I come to France, trying to improve my French." But, unfortunately, in order to learn it, I need to go to some deaf Provence, because while I travel to big cities, it's easier for me to explain in English.

- You have already become a Muscovite, and your parents live in the capital too?

- Yes. Mom and dad moved a little later. Mom works as a programmer, and dad is the head of the automation service in the pension fund. Parents never wanted to live away from me. Imagine what it is when your parents are six thousand kilometers! And you have a difference in time for six hours. This, of course, is not very convenient. And now, when parents live in the capital, I have much more time to communicate with them than when they lived in Yakutia.

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