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Brand Novak "Her worst nightmare"


Evelin Talbot was experiencing at the age of sixteen, something that would lose the mind would even have an adult who had ever had a person who had a man would have kicked up and kept him in sharpening, killing one after another, her then boyfriend, Jasper Moore. Evelyn survived and turned his life in the battlefield with his own injury: she became a psychiatrist, founded a closed hospital in a deaf town on Alaska and had been brought there the most monstrous killers and psychopaths, day and night studying their consciousness.

The authorities in the face of the local sergeant are not delighted with such a neighborhood, and at least Dr. Talbot likes him more and more, the sergeant believes that to be cut off the world by the harsh northern snowstorms together with the most selected psychos, which land wears, is a perspective for an amateur. And by itself, very soon the fears of sergeant are confirmed - an urinary corpse is located near the hospital. And Evelyn is sure - it came for her who many years ago left his work unfinished ...

Bernard Miner "fucking story"


Seventeen-year-old Henry accused of murdering his pregnant girl. The last time it was seen with him, and they quarreled. The island where Henry lives, 365 days a year is surrounded by a haze, and you can get to it only on the ferry. There everyone knows each other, right up to the most gloomy secrets - at least they think so ...

The guy lives with the reception desk, how much does not remember. Henry's biological parents died so long ago that he had almost no memories left, and he was forbidden about them - as to post her photos on the Internet ... Miner brilliantly tells the dark and stressful story, in which the danger is not at all where we are waiting for, and the final Twist plot leaves the reader literally with open mouth.

"The Mitford Murders. MysteriousMurders»


In 1920, in the train Victoria - Saint Leonards, an unknown person kills the kiss of the legendary sister of Mercy Florence Notentney. In real life, this crime remained unexplored, but found new explanations in the book of Jessica Felloose (by the way, the niece of that very Julian Felloose, which was created by Dounton Abbey).

18-year-old Louise Cannon is arranged as a nanny in the family nest of Mitford in Oxfordshire and gets closer to the older daughter of the owners. Louise and 16-year-old Nancy turn out to be drawn in the search for the killer of the sister of mercy, which turns out to be a task not out of the lungs, but the main pleasure of the novel is to know what brilliant young ladies will grow Mitford sisters in a few years and what amazing and different lives that touched all the main points The Terrible XX Century, they will live. In the meantime, the era of jazz, short haircuts and dizzying novels only goes back on the horizon, like the future secular triumph of six sisters Mitford ...

Lars Mitting "Sixteen Somma Trees"


Lars Mitting, a Norwegian journalist, played not the last role in the formation of fashion on the Scandinavian lifestyle that covered the world in the last decade. Thanks to his non-fiction "Norwegian forest. The Scandinavian way to strength and freedom "people, before that, who saw the ax only in the pictures, suddenly died into the checkered shirts, the beards were growing and became violently arguing how it was better to lay firewood.

In the first artistic novel of Mitting, now the owner of the Association of British British Association, also did not cost without trees, but his story came out fine and in good mysterious - like the country herself in which hero has grown, young man named Edward. His parents died mysteriously when he was very small, and His Grandfather Schurre was raised on a remote mountain estate. Grandfather is not a hunter to conversations, but Edward knows that the fate of Brother Svermar, Einar, somehow connected with the secret death of his relatives - and starts on the road.

Deniz Main "Long Fall"


Guskaya Scotland has its own small, but proud subgenher in an effortful prose - Tartan Noir, and its main star - Deniz Main, owner of prestigious Awards CWA New Blood Dagger, Barry Award for Best British Crime Novel, Awards Edgar Allan Software and Theakston's Old Peculier CRIME NOVEL of the year award. Between the writing of the gloomy novels and receiving the awards for them, Main paints comics for the "girl with a dragon tattoo". Roman "Long Fall", based on real history, received Gordon Burn Prize.

William Watt is accused of murdering his own family, and his Alibi is a fishing trip with Watchdog PsS - it seems unconvincing police. In desperation, he is ready to pay as much as information about the ill-fated night to get rid of herself from suspicion and take revenge on the killer. And such a person is - a man named Peter Manuel claims that he knows the killer ...

Lona Tiles "Girls from English ferry"


Danish writer Lona Tiles, like her heroine Nora, worked for many years in London a correspondent of the weekly Danish publication. The case described in her debut novel "Girls from English ferry" is also based on real events.

Journalist Nora Sand, collecting old suitcases, in one of them discovers a snapshot of two adolescent girls standing on the ferry Denmark-England. And this would not be anything remarkable if it were not the very girls, the disappearance of which from this ferry many years ago covered the whole Danish press ... Nora goes to Denmark to explore the materials of the case. But it turns out that the investigation into the disappearance of twenty years ago can carry a real threat to the life of the one who started it ...

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