Gregory Siyavinda: "My character is very multifaceted and deep. And dykovat, naturally. Otherwise I would not call me "


Many wish to be on the islands in the Pacific Ocean. And it is possible to plunge into a tropical zoking gamble in winter thanks to the new cartoon "Moana", the main characters of which in the Russian version they speak Gregory Gregory Siyatvind, Ilya Lagutenko, Denis Klyaver and other artists. On the eve of the premiere, which will take place on December 1, Womanhit. asked stars about working on the picture.


Moana is a stubborn and symptoms of a sixteen-year-old girl, the teukey daughter - the leader of a little tribe on the island in the Pacific Ocean. Father forbids her to swim outside the reef, but the open ocean manites a girl who adores adventures. When her island threatens the terrible darkness, Moana violates the rule and, together with the once powerful demigod, Maui goes into swimming, to save people, destroy the ancient spell and find answers to questions that are tormented by her all life.

Gregory Siyavinda:

Gregory Siyatvinda (Maui):

"Maui - Half-born. He is charismatic and funny, and in addition, he has a magic fishing hook, which allows it to turn into different animals, pull out the islands from the ocean and fight with monsters. Maui was previously considered the Great Hero of Oceania. His body is covered with tattoos - illustrations of his incredible feats. In addition, among the tattoos lives a small portrait of Maui himself, who fulfills the role of conscience and is very actively communicating with his owner, "says Gregory hero. - Maui has his own story, quite tragic and dramatic. In general, the character is very multifaceted and deep. And dykovat, naturally. Otherwise I would not call me. But he is cool. "

"Maui lives where white sand, blue sea and blue sky, all the time the sun. And I would also like to live there. And his tattoos ... He is painted all them, and I would like to be the same, painted with my legs. But I can not - does not allow the profession, "the actor continues, trying to find similarity with his character. - And in it there is some kind of childhood. A child who did not fall asleep, who is alive who speaks with the viewer in the hall. And internally, I probably as much. "

"The only one, perhaps, the nuance is what is huge. Maui in the original voiced Dwayne "Rock" Johnson, also a person of rather impressive sizes. I take a little less than a smaller space, and therefore had to make any additional efforts to fill all these volumes - Laughs Siyatvind. - And he also sings, infection! This was for me a new experience, so I got tortured. It was probably made a double eight hundred. But, honestly, now, now this technique is good that they collected in pieces and it turned out even decently. And, you need to give him granted that he was just singing at first and everything did not do it anymore. "

"Cartoon I voiced for the first time. When I just started working in the theater, I tried different ways to make money, including even some cartoons voiced, but there were only a "crack", "Schwarz", "chrrr" and that's it. And so that I have for the first time, "Gregory admits. - And it's just amazing! I suspect that it is probably even more interesting than in artistic paintings. Our profession, as I began to understand over the years, is to relax, get pleasure and a little loose. You need to be free. And in the cartoons of this everything should be twice as much. " "Animation, probably my favorite genre. If you lock me at home, and no one will look at me, I will not be embarrassed that I will sit in my forty six years old and I will watch animation films for three hours, "says the actor.

Zina Kupriyanovich

Zina Kupriyanovich

Zina Kompyovyovich (Moana):

"I was very interesting and difficult, since this is my first scounding experience of animated films. Moana is a very versatile person, and I had to transfer all her emotions. I screamed, and sobbed, and laughed a lot, and tone. In a word, survived. "

Denis Klyaver

Denis Klyaver

Denis Klyaver (Tui Chief):

"When I saw my character, I immediately understood why I voiced exactly the leader of the Tui: we are very similar to him. First, visually. Secondly, in energy. We are with him at one age, and both fathers. My character is very kind, warm, sincere. The actors and was not chosen. I was lucky that I did not have to depict anyone, I was myself. "

Julianna Karaulova

Julianna Karaulova

Julianna Karaulova (Sina):

"I voiced my sin, Moan's mother. She supports her daughter, trying to instruct it and shares life experience with it. She is a real wise mother. The idea of ​​this film is that you do not need to be afraid, but you need to risk. Little, but very brave moana eventually saves the whole island and helps all the inhabitants of the Earth. You need to open peace, believe him, listen to my heart, and not just listen, but hear, and yet to go about him. "

Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko

Ilya Lagutenko (Tamatoa):

"My hero is a giant crab with an overestimated self-esteem named Tamatoa. Crab, as it turned out, talks little on the merits. In the film, he is expressing how he himself says in the form of a song. The song is actually very difficult: it does not have the usual entry, purchase, chorus. Probably, this is one of the most complex compositions with which I was met in my life. "

Mariam Merabova

Mariam Merabova

Mariam Merabova (Grandma Tala):

"Distinctive features of my character are wisdom, knowledge and, of course, endless kindness and love. Grandfall Tala hides the secrets of the entire tribe and only waiting for someone to convey them. What was her joy when she found out that the ocean chose her favorite granddaughter. "

By the way ...

The plot of the animation film is partially based on oral folklore of the peoples of oceania and their culture. Three thousand years ago travelers from Polynesia, the furrowing of the Pacific Ocean, opened thousands of the islands. The ancient Polynesians are the greatest navigaters in the world - found the road across the ocean without modern devices, simply watching the nature, stars, waves and tide. And then, according to scientists, their travels stopped at about the millennium. And still no one knows why.

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