I love a smile


The child begins to smile on the 19th week of development in the womb - when its weight reaches only 300 grams, and the eyes are not yet open. Some experts are confident that the kids are smiling only when there is a chance that they will smile in response. Unlike children, we, adults, smile less often, more modest, lazy.

A smile is a universal sign of happiness, a subconscious answer to our good mood. Agree when we smile, you ourselves are happier, getting a positive energy from a person smiling in response. Even knowing this, the Russian man will not smile "just so." That is why foreigners continue to consider us a gloomy and an unfriendly nation.

You will be surprised, but a smile and teeth form a lot can tell about the character of a person. Recent scientific research has proven that each type of temperament is characteristic of its own, special smile, shape and location of teeth in the oral cavity. We know that there are 4 types of temperament: phlegmatic, choleric, sanguine, melancholic. And each of them has their own smile.

Melancholic You will easily recognize on the oval form of teeth. Smoothed tubercles and low-heated side cutters are peculiar to this type of temperament. People of this temperament distinguishes emotional instability. They are wounded and most often stubborn. The determining line of people of the melancholic temperament is perfectionism. This is the most mysterious and "closed" type of temperament.

Cholerics It is characterized by a rectangular shape of the location of the teeth. This type of personalities are inherent in teeth with more acute or straight corners. Human choleric temperament can be described as fast and impetuous. People of this type of temperament can withstand significant mental loads. But be careful - cholerics are distinguished by great instability and increased irritability.

W. Sanguinikov Large bias from the front teeth to the fangs. The second and third teeth are located at an angle. The position of the teeth can be called triangular. If you see a person with such a smile, know: it is a cheerful, lightweight person with a steady and flexible psyche. Sanguinics are distinguished by the wonderful sense of humor and the "speed" of thought.

W. Phlegmatic Front 4 teeth are on the same level. Central cutters are practically not noticeable. Phlegmatics are easy to highlight from the crowd to the configuration. They are balanced, calm, it is difficult to remove them. Flegmatics in good faith and diligently perform their work. Therefore, if you are in search of a reliable companion, pay attention to this type of personality.

Modern dentistry is able to change the temperament of a person by changing the shape of the teeth. For example, applying plates - veneers or luminors, adjusting the appearance of your smile. With the help of the forms of teeth and orthopedics, we can change the smile, shape, corners of the teeth. So from melancholic you can make phlegmatics or choleric. Of course, not dramatically, but you will smile much more often!

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