Vinyl not for plates: studying stylish summer material 2021


Once in the distant 80s, vinyl stuff just started to appear and immediately chained the attention of all mods. A bright and defiant material could afford not everyone, and not because of the price - not everyone is ready to take care of the side. But today the vinyl is perceived quite everyday, if you use it correctly and do not overdo it. But let's talk about it in more detail.

Vinyl. What is it?

Waterproof material appeared back in 1926 in the United States. Then it was used solely for accessories and shoes - it was not in a hurry to get into it. Everything changed in the 60s, when skirts, dresses and vinyl pants appeared in the stores. The lacquer closes the look, and therefore the vinyl quickly loved the rebounds from the world of fashion. As for the composition, integral substances, rubber and plastic are used, it is very rare to meet a person who would complain about allergies after wearing things from Vinyl.

What we will wear in this and the new season


Although designers promise the peak of popularity in Vinyl in the summer, it can be said that the vinyl will laugh and the first part of the autumn, so look a nice cloak from Vinyl today. And cold evenings in the spring such thing will be very by the way. Choose black, silver, sandy and gentle blue - so you can use a thing for almost any image. Of the additional advantages: the vinyl cloak will serve as excellent protection when the street has increased humidity.

Bright material attracts attention not only to music lovers

Bright material attracts attention not only to music lovers



If you do not like long upper clothes, you will probably like stylish jackets made of vinyl. Yes, they can not be found so often on sale, however, they definitely stand in search. It is not necessary to choose a model completely covered with varnish, perfectly look at the inserts from vinyl on the shoulders or on the sleeves.


Vinyl skirts occupy an individual in the hearts of fashionists - Vinyl turns the thing even the simplest cut into the core of the entire image, so be careful when the accents are distributed, the vinyl skirt does not tolerate competition. Choose the model below the knee in classic shades, since the mini models will be too causing an accent even in a restrained image.


As for trousers, very often girls look after tight vinyl models, but this option is only suitable for very skinny girls. In other cases, give preference to the tanks of glue or free crumb. Models with an overwhelmed waist look great, as the low landing is completely "not getting around" with vinyl pants of any style.

What combinations can be created

As we said, vinyl does not tolerate competition in the image, so all the other details of your wardrobe must be as simple as possible. So, choosing a blouse or cardigan for a vinyl skirt, stop on the models of their cotton, silk blouses will overload and so brilliant "onions". Vinyl is very good friendly with Casual images, so do not be afraid of oversight and massive shoes, it will allow you to balance the capricious and bright material.

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