Ekaterina Vilkova: "Sometimes I arrange my husband hysteria with tears"


Fragile, very feminine, with a girl figure - on appearance Catherine, the Vilkova will not tell me that she is a mom of two children. The actress admits that with the advent of the family, her life was divided into "to" and "after". "To live without work, I can, without a husband and children - no" - the priorities are so arranged. By the way, my husband, Ilya Lyubimova, she loves, although there is no way in their relationship that sweet vanilla, which generously cooked stories about happy couples.

- Katya, are you satisfied with your life? Did you manage to find a balance between family and work?

- Overall satisfied, everything is fine. But for some reason I can't constantly live in relax, smile and rejoice. As soon as it seems to me that some things have ceased to worry me, I immediately give me to understand that I am mistaken. It seems to be calmed down about his own appearance, the problems of aging, weight loss and the like - and immediately found itself in a situation where the competitive struggle between women is going. And also involuntarily turned on it. Immediately began to talk to yourself: so, I am a supersex-woman, young, slim. (Laughs.) In one project, it was batted about his talent and the fact that I still have a highly intelligent actress, and played this game; And got into another project - other complexes crawled. Just calmed down about the availability of work - in a month already worried that there are no worthy proposals. I barely thought that I was a good mother, soon I start to reflect that it was not much time to give children and family. Probably experiences - it's not so bad, the main thing is not to reach a psychiatric clinic.

- But you have no fanatical attitude to work? Some of your colleagues consider themselves artists with a capital letter, talk about the mission in art ...

- No, I never perceived my work. Although I tried to set yourself up for this wave that I am a serious, adult, I will read smart books, walk on museums ... But I'm different and I will not pretend something that I do in the profession, the most expensive for me. Not. In my case, it is an earnings, method of self-realization and paying attention. I confess, I have already become accustomed to the fact that on the set with me they are considered, they are advised, relate to me.

- Can you call some vertices, pearls in your career?

- Probably, I do not measure our work with such categories. There were situations when I was claimed to some kind of picture and all familiar congratulations: "Katya, how lucky you are, it's directly a dream!" And then either the project closed, or for some reason I could not participate in it. But even in this case I tried to treat what is happening calmly. I just try to do my job well. It does not matter that this is a full-length festival picture in Cannes or a light television series, such as "Eleon Hotel". This is my first experience of participating in Sitkom - I hope he will be successful.

Ekaterina Vilkova:

Dress, the Heavenly Scope Collection Demi Couture, Diana Gazaryan; gloves, Ma ya; Decorative element on the head, workshop of decor and floristics "Flowers in the attic"

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- "Hotel Eleon" is a continuation of all the "kitchen" so loved. Are you not afraid of long-playing stories?

- There are time in the intervals between the seasons. In addition, this is not everyday work. And the scripts will be able to take into account your plans if they appear. After filming the first season, pleasant impressions remained. I've even got used to go to the site as a job. This has its pros and cons. There is some stability, you understand what kind of team you are. Probably, over time it can get bored, but not yet tired.

- How did you get to the "Hotel Eleon"?

- Casting was held, and I went there to lose the nose of another actress, who also tried to the project. Well, I think I am going to you! (Laughs.)

- Do you have a long-standing competition?

- No, not competition. It's like children - they have such a moment of the game, competitions: and I first hid, and I first came running! Some excitement. I tried to the role of Sofia, the hotel manager, and the director I convinced me that I should have. In general, the first thing that lured me into this project is to participate in my friends. (Smiles.) I thought we would have more time to communicate. But, hitting the shooting, I realized that the schedule is very dense.

- The hotel manager is a stronger, the right young lady. Is it close to you?

- I never spend parallels with my heroes. It's just a woman who makes certain actions prescribed by scenarios, and you are trying to understand what can move it. And then, everything changes. You do not know how much Sofia is actually correct and business - can, just pretends? And in the next series you will understand that it is soft, wounded and romantic ...

Jacket, pinko; Pants, Caractere; Shoes, Jimmy Choo

Jacket, pinko; Pants, Caractere; Shoes, Jimmy Choo

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- Are you a hard man in life?

- I would not say. It all depends on the situation, on the degree of fatigue. Sometimes - yes: I can freeze, break if I did not sleep or hungry. But before the unfamiliar people, still try to present myself as a patient, calm, pleasant in all respects of man. Close, friends, homemade gets more.

- Are you strict towards children?

- Sometimes it seems to me that I am very soft. By virtue of your workload, I spend so much time with them. Therefore, I really miss and, as a result, Balua. But there is a day or two of our dense communication, and they are already starting to get from me.

- Paul and Petya are similar?

- On the one hand, yes, and on the other, these are two different people, each in its own way manifests itself. They perceive the world in different ways, they are offended differently, they wake up with different mood, just as falling asleep. Some things in their consciousness have already developed, and I just can control it, well, and tell them about how in life it happens.

- Do you have a upbringing system?

- No, I swim in the flow. Maybe I am a lazy person? I look at my girlfriends with children: "What did you have already started to give lures? Also, what, start? .. "Or someone gave kids to kindergarten. I say: "Ilya, probably, our also go to give." Just can be lazy to change something. Why, if so good? (Laughs.) If the children show something interest, try to encourage it. On the other hand, they can not interest anything that they do not show them. They do not know that there is, for example, swimming, or visual art, or dancing ...

- Something is already detected, some interests?

- Not yet. They like toys, candy, break, run. And it is desirable that adults are also involved in this story. They played and jumped with them.

- Did maternity changed you?

- My life was divided into "to" and "after" family. But I even find it difficult to call myself mom. In my presentation, this is some adult woman who has all the shelves decomposed, which knows what kind of bo is and how to pay for the apartment ...

Dress, yakubowitch; Skirt, Yanina Couture; Belt, Da'mu.

Dress, yakubowitch; Skirt, Yanina Couture; Belt, Da'mu.

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- And you do not know?

- Not. The husband is engaged in all these things. I'm frightened by paper, government institutions. All this is able and know adults. Before children, I play such a game that I am an adult, solid aunt, but in fact, in the shower, I do not think so.

- Ilya in your pair more adult?

- Well, he and older in age, almost quite a Starik. (Smiles.) He has a low voice, and sometimes he impresses a very serious person. He definitely understands what he wants, and pretends that he knows everything.

- Is there professional competition in your pair?

- No, I have a very cool husband! Yes, I never thought such categories. On my part, rivalry excluded even with my friends - work colleagues. I, on the contrary, becomes a sorry for people if something does not work. The envy is only for young, beautiful artists: they have no special talent, but they take away my roles. (Laughs.)

- Work remains behind the threshold or at home you and Ilya share problems, experiences?

"The husband is the only person with whom I can talk about everything, tell me what worries me. Even play him some etudes about how my day passed. Complain on young and neutolate. (Laughs.) Ilya, of course, says that I am the youngest, beautiful and talented and must be invited to all significant projects. Not that I really stayed for work. Of course, I like to be an actress, but I understand that theoretically I can live without my profession, especially if I have a lot of money.

- And without which you can't?

- Without a family, I can not children. But they will grow up, and they will have to let them go. So, only husband remains. And I still can not imagine how to live without it. I do not even want to think about it.

- The fact that you and Ilya believers help you in difficult situations?

- Sure. Because on some problem you can see not only from the point of view of the laws of secular life, but also from the moral side, the voices of conscience.

Dress, yakubowitch; Skirt, Yanina Couture; Belt, Da'mu.

Dress, yakubowitch; Skirt, Yanina Couture; Belt, Da'mu.

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- In Orthodox traditions, a man is the head of the family. Did you get it easy, with the current female emancipation?

- I basically believe that the head of the family should be a man. And I think that every woman is looking for her husband, with whom he can feel weak. In addition, we do not have any sect. We do not go to the collections of Orthodox fanatics who bring our family problems for discussion and condemn bad behavior. In our family faith - as the starting point, the lighthouse, to which we focus in our thoughts and actions.

- You yourself came to this or influenced Meeting with Ilya?

- Probably, Ilya became an exclamation mark. Faith came to my life and sat down tightly there with him. (Smiles.) If you sit down and reflect, you can remember some signs, prerequisites ... We love to invent post-factum. Be that as it may, now it's like a givenness, a gift that we got.

- What feeling you celebrated the anniversary - five years of living together?

- Honestly, forgot about him a little. This year, this date fell to Easter, there were some other concerns. Emotions are: cool, five years have passed! But it seems - quite recently ... then already, scrolling time back, you understand how many important events happened: two children, the apartment, the car, the number of works we have both ... I do not feel lonely - it was the right choice.

- Now so many marriages fall apart. Do you think the key to success is the initial coincidence of two people or relationships - is it a job?

- Of course, this is a job, but it happens quite imperceptibly for me. For example, you see a sandwich in the refrigerator. Sometimes eat it myself. And only then you think: "Oh, and Ilya has nothing to eat. Well, okay, will find something. " And another time you remember Ilya and leave a sandwich to him. Or share in half. In my opinion, and so it is clear that, living with a person, you need to reckon with him. After all, it is not so difficult: to call, warn you that you delay, come home to spend the night, ask about the plans for tomorrow and sometimes do something together.

- Can you say that everyone knows about each other?

- No I can not. For example, I learned yesterday that my husband dances at home alone. Now I'm trying to imagine this picture - how he moves in the headphones.

- How did you know about it?

- He himself told. I asked: "Ilya, how was your day, what did you do today?" And he replied: "Dance". It was nonsense. I even had a temptation to put a hidden camera at home.

- Are there things he knows about you?

- It seems to me that he knows even too much. And Mom, and even the priest say that not everyone should tell her husband. But I do not have secrets. If there is a problem that oppresses me strongly, I still share with him. And I can't hone offense for a long time. I need to discuss everything, express to sleep quietly.

- Do you read each other interview?

- He reads my interview. More precisely, I send text for approval, and I advise whether to change something or leave as it is. Probably, he is more confident in some things than me. And I'm too lazy to read his interview. Then I can come across the article in some journal. At first, of course, it was more interesting. Now - simpler: after all, five years together.

Dress, wincs; Jacket, Marina de Golle; Choker, Da'mu; Floral decor, decor workshop and floristics "Flowers in the attic"

Dress, wincs; Jacket, Marina de Golle; Choker, Da'mu; Floral decor, decor workshop and floristics "Flowers in the attic"

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- By the way, in one of the interviews you told that Ilya did not give the flowers for the birthday of the birthday. What was the reaction? Did he come with a bouquet the next day?

- Not. In fact, I told what I am a beautiful woman, I can not even give gifts, and I don't care.

- But this is a soreness ...

- At first it seems and normally perceive. And then begins to spit on all sides. Girlfriends are talking about something, put the photos of the bouquets in Instagram, which they were presented in the eighth of March. Maybe they did not even give them anything, but there is a picture! And it provokes to clarify relationships. A couple of times I even arranged hysterics with female tears. But at that moment, when I cry, I understand how stupid it looks. And in fact, for me there is no great point that, blowing, I will drop this bouquet from him.

- And it was so that you sworn, and he said: "Baba-fool, on you flowers"?

- Yes, in principle, he does it: Baba-fool, you wish you all! (Laughs.)

- Are you not a romantic couple with Ilya?

- Perhaps yes. We don't ride on the boat, you did not leave the jungle on safari. We are more realistic, or something. Although, of course, romance is needed. After all, this is attention, the person thought about you and did a surprise. But I do not bother on this topic. Probably, when there is little strength, fatigue has accumulated, the absence of romance can become an annoying factor.

- What helps you to cope with fatigue?

- Any recovery: sleep, chat with children (they are very charged from them), generally "change the picture." It is not even necessary to go somewhere - you can change one shooting area to another. Just exhale. Sometimes the degree of fatigue is big, and you exhale longer ...

- Do you work much?

- Probably, I do not know how to distribute time. I do not want to come home after work, wash off face and lie down in bed. I want to do something else: play with children, chat with Ilya, see some film, go to the restaurant ... Therefore, there is little time to sleep, and I love sleep very much.

- Parting with Ilya at the time of filming, miss or perceive it as a rest?

"When Ilya leaves for a job or visits children (they spent their grandmother's summer), at first I am experiencing the state of Euphoria. Freedom! I am alone in the apartment. It is simply impossible to go to bed - it seems so many interesting things can be done. And sometimes I miss, and this is expressed even in some kind of irritation. We must leave, and I begin to be angry with Ilya, because I don't want to go. By and large, the husband does not interfere especially at home, maybe even something useful to do. (Smiles.)

- Are people who organize you life?

- In children - nanny. And we have a housekeeper, which every two weeks it removes an apartment and strokes underwear. With the rest they cope.

- The rest is what?

- wash the dishes, buy products. For two weeks, things accumulate. I can do a lot myself, but while there is an opportunity - I resort to the help of other people. Sometimes it is the only day off, and I do not want to spend it on the household.

- I know some of your colleagues who perceive the housework as a kind of relax.

- Sometimes Cinderella syndrome wakes up. I want to scrupulously rub the kitchen, clean in the lockers, disassemble everything on the shelves. Sometimes it gives me pleasure. Wipe the slab on which no one is preparing anything, but dust is settling. (Laughs.) Speaching an apartment. And then you get such a charge of energy from a sense of accomplishment - you are proud of yourself. For some reason, I love domestic things to do at night when no one bothers me.

Dress, lanvin; Earrings, Chanel.

Dress, lanvin; Earrings, Chanel.

Photo: Alina Pigeon; Assistant of the photographer: Ksenia Andrianova

- How do neighbors relate to the sound of a working vacuum cleaner at night?

- I am convincing myself that they do not hear anything. We have thick walls in the house, good sound insulation. And suddenly I had something crumbled and need to spend urgent? In fact, the vacuum cleaner does not work very loudly. Much more noise makes a sliding design on which we enjoyed underwear.

- Times changed: earlier girls were taught homemade, needlework ...

- And now it is also happening in humans. I tried to attach Pavlu to something - nothing happened. She is very unreasonable, she quickly even bored. Maybe through the year it will be possible to make her wash dishes.

- You notice that children are much more advanced in some things that we?

- Well ... the characters of cartoons they know better. (Laughs.) Probably, they are more fearless. They take any gadget and immediately begin to use them, click on all buttons. And I'm scared that I can break something, you must first read the instruction ... (smiles.)

- You are not a fearless person?

- I am afraid a lot of things. From phobias, as such, there is only some disgust with respect to insect. Sometimes it is scary to take the first step - in some kind of project, for example. I will not venture to make something extreme, but it does not attract me. Back in ordinary life I do not like attention to myself. In principle, I am not particularly spoiled. But it happens that only a movie was held with my participation, and I will find out. And then I picked up, sticking up, I am coming the hood, as if I am megazvit, and I try to escape soon. But Ilya likes to raise the public. For example, he likes to speak loud in public places. She sees how a standing person pierces the sausage at the ticket office, and begins to tell some nasty about what they are made. (Laughs.) Ilya always recognize: he has a bright appearance. He also gets tired of attention and says that, provoking people, thus produces stress.

- Ilya brilliantly succeeded images of demonic personalities ...

- So there is: he is a demonic man. Many believe that he hits me. (Laughs.) It just has such an appearance, a low voice.

- There was no fear of marrying such a spectacular man? Probably there is a feeling of jealousy?

- Not. I don't even remember such thoughts. Probably just once something experienced. We sat in one company, and our girlfriend too frankly flirted with Ilya. But it was a long time ago, we just started meeting him. Sometimes I even trust him too painfully. Thoughts do not admit that the husband can betray me. That simply can not be. After all, thereby he will kill me. He loves me - it means that it cannot do that.

- What appreciates Ilya in your marriage, what do you think?

- It seems to me that the whole life of Ilya is concentrated on me. (Laughs.) I do not know what he appreciates. But I hope it is not difficult for him to live with me. And while it even gives him pleasure.

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