How to adopted a new soloist in the factory group


Sasha Savelyeva: "We first heard about my birthday" for the first time. "

Sings in the "factory" from its very reason. The group appeared on the project "Star Factory-1" in 2002.

Alexander Savelyev. .

Alexander Savelyev. .

- Do not regret that Katya is Katya left from the group?

- Apparently, fate ordered in this way.

- Now on the Internet about Kate they write a lot: and that she got married, and that fashion will now be engaged. And what really happens, can you tell?

- I, honestly, did not read about it. We ourselves did not fully understand what happened. Waited to Katya to the last, thought it will return. But this did not happen.

- You have been together for 12 years. It's hard when someone has someone from you?

- It is always not easy when there is something established, as it was with Sati. And suddenly one day all collapsed. Then a long casting, a difficult decision - and here you have a new person with whom you continue to continue this path. You take it into the family, everyone shows, tell us, care that the group is a good atmosphere ...

- Then why does this happen?

- There are many factors. First of all there are some personal motives. When you come to a collective of this level, then from now on you should think not only about yourself, but also about the group as a whole. Conscious that you can not let the people who work with you, respect them and be able to get out of difficult situations. It is not given to everyone.

- Did you take part in the casting of a new soloist?

- Sasha herself wrote Igor, and she was invited to audition. After all, in the database of each producer there are many performers. When we learned that Katya would not return to the group, they began to look for a soloist: at first the singers looked and listened to Igor (Matvienko. - "ICD"). Then those who liked, went to the second round, and we needed to sing together and dance to understand how well we merge voices and look.

- How did Alexander Popova seemed to you?

- We first heard Alexander at the celebration of my birthday - it so happened that the casting was more complicated for her than for other participants. (Laughs.) She had to sing a song in front of 120 of my guests, and these people were almost all of the show business. But she didn't get enough and sang a song. Several times we rehearsed, and everyone decided to leave Sasha with us.

- The patronage over it took?

- Sasha and herself asks us questions about how to sing right, etc. Naturally, we will suggest and maintain it.

- I wrote a lot about the "grandfather" in "Via Greek", and is it possible in your group?

- It all depends on the personal qualities of the soloist, so we do not have such a question: tell me - yes, order - no!

- What do you think you need to do so that the "factory" soloists do not leave anymore?

- It seems to me that it depends on the desire of the soloist of the factory group.

Irina Tveva. .

Irina Tveva. .

Irina Tveva: "The main thing is that Katerina is all good"

Sings in the "factory" from its very reason. The group appeared on the project "Star Factory-1" in 2002.

- Do not regret that Katya is Katya left from the group?

- The main thing is that Katerina has everything well.

- You have been together for 12 years. It's hard when someone has someone from you?

- both the outgoing and the remaining will save her majesty music in the end.

- How did Alexander Popova seemed to you?

- Studying our younger while in the process.

- The patronage over it took?

- Yes.

- I wrote a lot about the "grandfather" in "Via Greek", and is it possible in your group?

- Grandfather - the prerogative of the army.

- What do you think you need to do so that the "factory" soloists do not leave anymore?

- The main thing is the desire of the whole team from the scene and the screens to people a holiday.

Alexander Popova. .

Alexander Popova. .

Alexandra Popova: "I sing from childhood!"

Born in Donetsk. By the formation of a dentist. Sing loves since childhood, so without thinking I went to the television competition "I want to" VIA GRU ", hitting the mentor Anna Sedokova. Participation in the show was so inspired by Alexander that she decided to forever tie their lives with music and wrote a letter to producer Igor Matvienko. True, she was not hoping for the reverse reaction. But soon the girl was invited to Moscow to the studio, and then offered to try themselves as a soloist in the "factory".

- Alexandra, believe or still not have what happened to you?

- I believe! (Laughs.) Don't you?

- You by formation a dentist, and how did it happen that you got into the group "Factory"?

- I sing from childhood! My first speech took place in three years, April 1! It was a comic room. (Laughs.) I sang an insanely popular song "Knot" Alena Apina. And then I started playing all urban events, both in the team and solo. It all started with the fact that I went to the Music Studio "Smile" in our city of the Red Light of the Luhansk Region. Sister older than me for seven years, and the children were engaged in the children of her age, and I just had no one to leave at home. And I repeated everything for the elders, too, sang, danced. It was noticed and invented especially for me the most comic number. And when I have already went to the first class, my mother, together with the head of the music studio, came up with a "good mood" trio, in which I began to sing along with two girls. So I had a very positive creative childhood - from the "smile" in the "good mood." To enroll on the Dental Faculty in Donnma named after M. Gorky advised my older sister Natalia. Dad, of course, supported this idea, since it is very important for him a good profession and my not dependent future. (Smiles.) Studying at the dentist, I was parallel to the soloist Jazz Orchestra Medicus Band, participated in all university events, represented our university on many not only urban, but also international competitions.

- Participation in the show "I want to" VIA GRU "is your first experience in the world of show business. He did not scare you?

- On the contrary, helped! I learned to stay in front of the camera, quickly memorize choreography, gather at the right moment - an important skill for artist.

- This year the Factory group turns 12 years. There was no fear, how will Sasha Savelyeva and Ira TEVV take place?

"I will not hide, I worried when I went to the first meeting with girls." But when we started to communicate, the mandrage retreated. We met in a small Italian restaurant on the Peace Avenue. They drank tea with desserts, Sasha Savelyev, I remember, ate some green salad. Girls asked me about my life, about where I performed.

- In movies often show: a person hits the stage, and experts begin to work with him - from the dentist to the stylist and a nutritionist. What happened to you?

- The girls said that the factory group had never had a personal dentist. But now appeared. (Laughs.)

- Ira and Sasha help you get born in their team?

- With girls, it works fine, they help me faster to learn the program, give advice! We are often between rehearsals, various events and concerts spend time together! Often we bring each other different goodies. For example, from Ukraine I brought Salo girls, and they treat me all sorts of Russian sweets. (Smiles.)

- You yourself are from Donetsk. How did you get in Moscow?

- While we are setting. I'm still poorly focused in Moscow - it's good that there is a navigator in the phone!

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