Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: "Happiness is freedom of choice."


In the repertoire of love of the Kazarnovskaya about fifty opera parties, she sang on the stage of the most famous theaters of the world, and it remained and remains one of the most attractive women on our opera scene. Now we once again have every week to meet with it in the project "exactly" of the first channel, where it is a member of the jury and pleases everyone with his sense of humor, the ability to be surprised and the ability to talk truth delicately.

1. About love and family

Can I live without love? My name is already responsible for this question! Love is the state needed to everyone! Without her - you are a robot, workaholic or depressive evil! The crisis of our society is in the absence of love.

My husband and Syn is the family that we create constantly all together, and this is a very creative and important process! We learn to live, improve, love each other every day!

A man should be a wise man with good brains and necessarily thinly feeling. I am very emotional, and my husband Robert is a discreet, real man. I think we are so many years together thanks to his wisdom. Robert is my biggest friend.

I believe that in the family should be in a good sense, patriarchalness and children should be engaged, because they are not grass. If there is no closest person nearby, problems begin, children closes, like turtles in the shell, contact is lost, and it leads to sad consequences.

2. About profession

In the profession, I am a very responsible person. If I take for something, then blood from the nose, whatever it cost me, I will do. And I am responsible for those who have tamed, as Saint Exupery said.

We, singers, we carry our tool in yourself. Vocalist is a terrible profession. You are "slave lamps", all the time in the vice: sounds or does not sound your voice.

Now all over the world is a fall in demand for the opera and therefore there is a decrease in tastes. For Western people opera - part of a good bourgeois life. A hike in Opera is like a restaurant, like high-quality clothing. In the opera go, because so fashionable, accepted.

Life and artistic moments of happiness are absolutely different sensations. "Butterflies in the stomach" dance and there and there, but another feeling of incredible professional satisfaction is mixed up to a successful debut or a good concert.

3. About me

Most of all I appreciate people decency. Decency and respect - at the head of the angle of any relationship. In decency includes everything: no double bottom, inability to betrayal, the ability to appreciate friendship. I do not communicate with false, slippery people, lysoblyuds and tied to Mamon - all wild egoists.

I worked on to overcome all my phobias, because there is nothing worse than fear. He breaks human energetically. And I am brought up by my parents in absolutely fearless views of life.

I have a big power of will. I brought it into myself because I was a homemade girl, a favorite in the family, a gentle flower. Then life made the character. And I'm not afraid of difficulties. I know that it will be hard for me to postpone some kind of deprivation, but I am sure that everything will be found.

I learned not to show my negative states in public, although my life was not always littered with flowers. But it is important for me to be able to keep yourself in your hands and not to demonstrate your emotions even close.

I am not a man of mood. My irritation is always justified. I need to bring strongly so that I spoke sharply. But, if this happened, I will not restrain myself.

I love life, family, work. Happiness for me - in the knowledge of the miracle of the world and in personal growth. Happiness is freedom of choice, thinking, life position. Happiness is to look at yourself in the mirror and do not experience disgust. Happiness is an interesting creative environment and exercise of creative-spiritual projects.

4. About age and appearance

The age is philosophically: "Nature has no bad weather ..." you have to meet every "change of season" positively and enjoy every moment of happiness.

At twenty-thirty years attracts external beauty. After forty - internal content, light and external dignity. If a person is beautiful inside, then his spirit awakes in appearance.

I would not want to return in any time of my life. Each period I lived and felt very fully. Now I have a huge thanks to the Creator for all the events in my life! Every day is a gift!

I do not hide my age. On the contrary, I believe that it needs to even advertise. There comes the moment when you are already your age, if you look good and you can also say a lot in the profession, I must be proud of truly.

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