Igor Petrenko: "Ideal husbands are something from the fiction area"


In the life of his favorite millions of the actor, there is a tragedy, which he does not like to remember. In 1992, when he was only fifteen years old, Igor was arrested on a harsh accouction - complicity in murder. The year, the teenager spent in prison "Sailor Silence". Later, the court sentenced him to eight years of imprisonment. An extract from the case reads: "The Court takes into account that he, being a minor, was involved in the commission of a crime by older Kizimov, and also performed its instructions. Therefore, the court considers it possible not to lead a sentence to fulfillment and impose a punishment conditionally ... "It was the only misconduct in the motley and bright life of the artist rich in the events. The young man was corrected and turned into a serious man who causes admiration and respect. So the judge was not mistaken, giving him a second chance, and I gave us a wonderful actor.

You were born in Germany. How was your family there?

Igor Petrenko: "My dad, Peter Vladimirovich, - Military. And one of the places of his service was the city of Potsdam in East Germany, where he went with his family. Mom and my sister Irina, who older than me for five years, of course, accompanied him in this long business trip. I was born there. So the guy I am abroad. (Laughs.) But I don't even really remember the German period. Only some scraps pop up in memory: for example, our house, he was near the railway, on which colorful, bright train went. And we left there, when I was four years old. Since then, I have not been there, but I'm still ahead. The main thing is to have a desire to go to Potsdam and see what this city is. "

Does your father rejoiced the appearance of the heir?

Igor: "I think yes. Although it seems to me that in any case it would be happy. By the way, we have one legend in our family. They say when they expected my appearance to light, his father claimed that he would be the same as his son and daughter. But his colleague, whose wife was also on demolition, wanted an exclusively boy, and his girl had born. So he was my dad, when I, newborn, washed handles and legs, offered to change: he takes me, and he gives his daughter. And in addition also the box brandy. Say, you said that you are not so important who will be born. (Laughs.) Surely he joked. Who will give your native child?! But, in any case, such a story was. "

From Germany, they immediately moved to the capital or, as most officer families, did you have to shake in various military towns of our country?

Igor: "My parents even before my appearance on the light changed more residence due to the father's service. So, for example, my sister Irina was born in Samara (at that time Kuibyshev), on the banks of the Volga. And when we returned from the GDR, Dad enrolled in Moscow to the Marshal Marshal Konstantinovich Tymoshenko's Marshal and Biological Protection Academy. He graduated from her red diploma and stayed there to teach. By the way, he became a senior teacher, released many good, strong specialists. In addition, in 1986, he participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. It was his war, his battle, his ministry. "

Igor Petrenko:

The power of the feelings of Catherine and Igor may also envy their kinoheroi. Frame from the film "We are from the future."

And what did your mom do?

Igor: "She is a translator from English. Until recently, she was engaged in technical translations, served homeland on the state facility. And my grandmother over the paternal line graduated from Gnesinku, she was a singer. And those who remember it tell that she had a stunning voice. But, unfortunately, I saw her, just being very small. Therefore, I have no clear memories about it. "

That is, you have a craving for art from your grandmother?

Igor: "Why?! My dad is also a person, as they say, creative. How much I remember myself, he wrote the paintings, minted, was engaged in Exlimbarrse, cut the tree, photographed. And I tried with my sister Irina to enjoy it. Weekends he spent not at his own business and meetings with friends, but dedicated this time to us. On weekdays, I left the service in the morning, returned in the evening, showed immediately hard control - a diary made by homework. And on Saturday and Sunday, he introduced us to various types of creativity, and very long time, to my years of fourteen (Irina was already nineteen by that time). Most gifts in the circle of family we did with your own hands. Drew, burned, cut, sculpted. "

Are you talking about your sister with such a warmth ... Have you kept close relationship with her?

Igor: "Of course. She is my most wonderful and wonderful. True, unfortunately, now we see not as often as I would like, because Ira lives in Riga. She's fine. Beautiful husband is a light, peaceful man. According to the first formation of the sister, I have a fashion designer, and on the second - interior designer. True, now in the specialty does not work, it is a housewife. Also, you see, the occupation is useful and not simple, if it is treated seriously and responsibly. But for himself, Irina continues to engage in creativity. For example, when repairs started, she all took over, decided not to resort to extraneous assistance. And it was not only about the design and choice of materials - she did everything herself. Such she is a master of all hands. Father went! "

And you?

Igor: "I'm only a new hope. Journeyman". (Laughs.)

Such an impression (maybe it, of course, is superficial) that you have always been such a right young man, even in childhood ...

Igor: "Do not believe my eyes! (Laughs.) I have and now there are enough flaws, and therefore there were a lot of them. The image of one hundred percent Pai-boy I never matched. In school years, it happened, strolled lessons. But, as I understand now, it was due to the fact that I was simply not fascinated by some objects. I do this conclusion, because, for example, I never missed English, I was happy to do ... and indeed exact sciences - this is not mine, not a technical cry of mind. Might say humanitarian. Of course, there were both fights like most boys. Not that he himself rushed, he just could and for himself stand up, and for friends. I was always a guy strong, sports, not buried, but not from cowardly. "

Igor Petrenko:

"To the role of circus, always ready! In any case, you can already juggle. " Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

How did they react to the gossip and so attitude to school?

Igor: "My father brought up me strictly. Periodically gave Tumakov. And the more serious was the punishment, the sophisticated I tried to get out of the current situation. Maybe from here and take the roots of my acting skills. " (Laughs.)

Completely, children from officer families go in footsteps of parents. And you chose another path ...

Igor: "It just happened to life. This does not mean that I somehow have a negative attitude towards people in bulk. Moreover, we have a whole dynasty: not only dad, but also grandfather, and great-grandfather were military person ... I was able to play a soldier so many times! You can say, I have already served me. (Laughs.) After all, during the preparations for the filming of the film "Star" to us, all major roles, had to pass a serious army school. We trained three months. We studied the tactics of fighting and weapons, took place at the time of the bar of obstacles. In general, they were trying to make real diversantic scouts. And we laid out on these classes on the full coil. It's not easy for a tick, but in serious. By evening, the legs did not hold from fatigue. And muscles at first they dive! And this is taking into account the fact that I was engaged in sports - both sports gymnastics, judo, and sambo, and even football. True, just one day the ball chased, but it was in my biography and that. (Laughs.) That is, physical exertion I am not in a novelty. In addition, when I was preparing for the role, I read a lot of books on war art and technique. Perfectly disassembled both in our weapons of those years and in German, - starting with automata and ending with airplanes. In a word, the course of a young fighter passed, and focused on the shooting. "

So how did you still become an artist?

Igor: "By the will of the case. I could not decide for a long time to go after graduation. In the army in those years was a mess. The country collapsed. From the professions only two are lawyers and economists. But I did not care anything or the other. And somehow once we are with a friend, walking, passed by the Shchepkinsky schools. There was a crowd of guys. We asked: "What gives?" We answered: "Knowledge". I clarified what it was necessary in order to accept, and decided jokes for trying my strength. I remember how I learned the song in the corridor of the university. Oddly enough, before that, I never sang, especially in public. I left the admission committee, performed "I drank birch juice in the spring forest ..." and heard in response that the song should be changed to "Captain, Captain, smile", because it can be said by a speech. That's all the vocal data struck. (Laughs.) But what is surprising when I started to prepare, it hooked me. And I immediately filed documents to all theatrical universities. It is noteworthy that I was a competition everywhere. And for me, fortunately, there was a choice. "

Igor Petrenko:

In the painting "Taras Bulba" Petrenko played Andria: "My hero is an adventurer and a romantic. He is from those who can climb on a tree without thinking about how to go down. " Frame from the film.

And what educational institution I had to do you like?

Igor: "The first shock is the portrait of the great actor Mikhail Semenovich Shchepkin, under which it was written:" Sacred or get out! "This phrase smelled to me and in the soul, and in the head. And remained in me forever. And secondly, passing through the building, I found myself in the courtyard and saw that in the center of Moscow - a real oasis. There are guys-students: someone dancing, someone learns something, rehearsed, sings, communicates, laughs. Its life reigned here, there was a special world, part of which I wanted to become. I just felt that it was mine. "

With his first wife Irina Leonova, did you meet the school?

Igor: "Yes. Just when admission. But we are signed after receiving a diploma. And in order to make money on the honeymoon, settled by the waiters in the restaurant. There were such times. Judge for yourself: in the theater, my salary was five hundred rubles, and I spent three and a half thousand on the road to the theater. That is, even in order to serve in the theater, it was necessary to get another three thousand years somewhere. So after the wedding, we first worked with waiters, and then we went to rest in the wedding trip. "

But soon you were invited to the role in the movie "Star", which also brought you popularity. Casting went easy?

Igor: "No. Moreover, I was tried to the same six or seven times. And it began with the fact that, being in the studio, I did not immediately realize who was here director. I think: Still, such a serious film about the war, a project that, as I was told, the studio pays great attention, it means that the director must be experienced, famous. I come to the meeting appointed on Mosfilm, two men sit there: one solid, aged, and the second is a young, very green. Naturally, I decided that the second is an administrator of any or the same assistant one. It turned out I was wrong. And not so young was Nikolai Lebedev, just at her thirty five, he looked younger than his years. My samples did not like him, but the casting director persuaded him to repeat. True, it did nothing. Nicholas wanted to shoot Denis Nikifor in the role of Lieutenant. And he was approved. But he played to the "Tabakerque", was busy in many performances, and Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov Denis did not let go on shooting. Then they invited me. And this work has become my star ticket. "

If you return to a conversation about your personal life ... How did you break up with the first wife?

Igor: "I do not like to discuss this topic. We sold normally. I am fine with Ira. I am glad that it all is wonderful, life has happened just perfectly. She is happy in marriage (Irina is married to actor Evgeny Tsyganov. - Approx. Aut.), She has six children! Imagine what is well done! And in the future I wish her only all the best. "

That in Ekaterina Klimov you fell in love with the shooting of the series "Moscow windows", knows the whole country. But still tried to save the family. Why? Did not believe in the seriousness of their feelings to Kate?

Igor: "On the contrary, I realized that it was serious. But, first, there was still a sense of responsibility to the family. And besides, I understood that she was not free. It can be said, these were twelve months of internal struggle. Then I still could not stand and called. In general, talk about love, about the feelings, a man with ease can only with a beloved woman - and with anyone else. Therefore, let's not touch this issue. "

Igor Petrenko:

"Pechistan - Character is difficult. I do not justify his actions, but I understand the motivation. " Frame from the series "Pechorin."

Ekaterina has a daughter from the first marriage. Have you quickly found a common language with her?

Igor: "Instantly. And in general, honestly, I do not like when I speak Lisa as a child of Kati from the former husband. We have one family, and she is the same native as sons for me. And in my attitude to children there are practically no difference, except that, of course, boys raise other than girls, and make a discount on age. The daughters will be this year thirteen years, Matvey - eight, and I root - six. But I love them equally. Probably family is the main thing in my life. And I would all give them to be happy. I want to somehow protect them from troubles, problems, diseases. It does not always work. But I try as I can. "

Do children engage in children?

Igor: "Of course. Although the main share of concerns about them lies on the Kate. She is the most wonderful mother in the world - sensitive, tender, attentive. Even balusa, she managed not to hurt the children. In general, better wife than mine, and it is impossible to imagine. "

Are you an ideal husband?

Igor: "No. In general, there are such? Ideal husbands are something from the fiction area. We are loved and loving. But at the same time, each of us has enough of their minuses, which, by the way, are not always balanced by the pros. Sometimes you think about female heroism - and how do you tolerate us?! " (Laughs.)

Recently, a lot of articles appeared that you and Catherine broke up and live apart. How valid is it true?

Igor: "We are not first bred. We are printed about this "News" in the media, discuss ... and not even think about how much it went. We are with my wife - adults, we will survive all these conversations. But we do not exist in a vacuum, these unpleasant rumors reach our children's ears. It is unpleasant. Imagine how your child reacted to such a chatter, even if I saw that my mother had everything in order. Sometimes we live apart, but this is not connected with some disagreements, but with necessity. My family and we settled outside the city. And sometimes, if I finished shooting in Moscow late, and early in the morning you need to be at work again, I stay in the metropolitan apartment to win an extra time to sleep, which I lose, standing in the morning in traffic jams ... Here we have "separate" Accommodation sometimes happens. I think our family is not the only one that lives in a similar way. "

Your views with Catherine agree on everything or are there any contradictions?

Igor: "Everything happens. Two identical people, as under the copy, does not exist. And if it was this and it was possible, anyway would certainly arise any disputes. Such is human nature. But if people not only love, but also understand each other, they will always find a solution to any questions without scandals and pressure. Sometimes you can resort to tricks ... "(laughs.)

For example?

Igor: "So I wanted to make a dog. But I was not sure that my wife would take this idea with delight. But at the same time, I know that it is very pretty and carefully treats my gifts. Therefore, I presented her a surprise in the form of a puppy Dog. "

And how did she respond?

Igor: "I was confused first. (Laughs.) But, like any gift, took with joy. Now this is a great dog, smart and strong. Katya loves him very much, and he, by the way, too. She is not able to keep him, so she walks with him only at the receiving territory, which the fence separates from the village. She just produces him to the courtyard, and he runs there. He listens to me unquestioned, Katya is less. Just a dog should be given clear teams, and if you see disobedience, insist on your own. The wife can not, she just talks to the animal and communicates very gently. Therefore, it can be said, he sits on her neck. Although, on the other hand, God forbid, if someone gets to the hostess or on our children! This is the most serious defender, which will not be close to yours. "

Recently, Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimov played together in the new clip of the Tokyo group. .

Recently, Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimov played together in the new clip of the Tokyo group. .

You are a successful artist. Many of your colleagues go to study on directions, producers. Is there a desire to master some more specialty?

Igor: "I regret that I have no legal education. Laws we do not know. And if you start reading them, we do not understand what is written there. Some kind of unusual word game, oil oil. That would be found anyone who would translate all this on the human language! As in the Bible, all the commandments are available in the Bible: do not kill, do not steal, do not commit adultery ... and knowledge of legislation is necessary. I believe one of the most outstanding inventions of mankind in its entire history is a traffic light, which equalized everyone: rich and poor, women and men, old and young. Red Light - You must stand, green - go or go. And you understand: so that nothing bad happens to you, you must rely on this rule. As soon as you break it, you are responsible not only for your life, but also for others. I would like the legislation to be just as accessible to everyone and everyone for perception. "

And now there is no intention to rush?

Igor: "Alas, the older you become, the more difficult and harder to learn. First of all, because the time is free and smaller and less ... But in a different way, it is not possible to put the priorities in favor of legal education in favor of legal education. Especially since I and so little time paying a family. I would like more, but the work does not allow. After all, because of her, it happens, I do not see children for an entire month. And if you study, it is necessary to do it thoroughly, without skips, deepening in the process of obtaining knowledge. And I understand that I can't really afford this very much. "

But you can at least plan.

Igor: "I have a huge amount of plans. I want to go to my fortyat, and it will happen in eight years, to learn four foreign languages ​​- English, German, French and Italian. Severe some musical instrument. Honestly, I always dreamed of playing the drums. Even the drum installation of friends got home. But since I usually come back late, there is no possibility to try it out. And not so long ago I loved hockey, there is a desire to do this sport. And I have already implemented it - I train. I will strive for the next Olympic Games. You may see me there. True, not on ice, but on the podium of fans. " (Laughs.)

Olga Serova

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