Akinfeev's era: the most interesting facts about goalkeepers


Igor Akinfeev is probably the most beloved and successful Russian football player, and the Russian coach Leonid Slutsky and said at all that now the Akinfeev era. Since the beginning of the career, he stands for the capital club CSKA. Today he is the captain of the team. And since 2004 he plays for the Russian national team. A lot of time will need to enumerate all its titles and regalia. The six-time champion of Russia, the six-time winner of the Russian Cup, the UEFA Cup owner, the Bronze medalist of the 2008 European Championship. The tenfold owner of the prize "Goalkeeper of the Year" named after Lion Yashin.

Igor, despite the folk love for him, a man closed. You will not find on the network of its numerous interviews and photo shoots. Its even in social networks there is no that today it looks unexpected for a person.


Natalia Governorovova

The reason for such closedness, they say, served as a tragic case. One of the admirers of Akinfeyev committed suicide. To the deadly final, the girl brought the Hamsky response of an unknown person in a social network, which wrote on behalf of Akinfeev. And, despite the fact that Igor was not to blame for what had happened, he was hard to experience that tragedy and now prefers to stay away from social networks.

It is because of this, fans have to learn about the details of the personal life of Akinfeev from a wide variety of sources. Sometimes not always reliable. Sometimes there are incidents at all. So, for a long time it was believed that the spouse of the goalkeeper is Valery Yakunchikova, the daughter of the head of the football team CSKA and the granddaughter of the legendary coach Valery Nepomnye. They really met for almost six years - since 2008. Young beauty at the time of dating was fifteen years old, goalkeeper - 22 years old. But when it became known that the goalkeeper married, the wife was not at all Valery, but a completely different girl. Kiev woman Ekaterina Gerun is a fashion model and actress. They met with a common friend. Exchanged phones, for some time they simply corresponded. "Then I decided that it was necessary to go on some other level. We had a vacation, after him I said: "Everything, flying." And so began to live together, "only once revealed Igor Details of dating with a future wife.

Igor and wife Catherine

Igor and wife Catherine


Unlike Valeria, Yakunchikova Ekaterina Gerun, as she herself admits, was always far from football passions and even treated with some suspicion of athletes. But Igor completely changed the views of the spouse. Catherine is confident that her favorite football player has many good qualities. She likes the fact that he is reasonable, serious and attentive. "He has no bad habits," Catherine admits. - About such people say: he is the right person. "

Today, spouses have two children: the son of Daniel and the daughter of Evangelina. Igor Akinfeev once admitted to the close thing that he had a dream: to thirty years to have at least one child. But the 30th anniversary came twice with his father. With children, he tries to engage as soon as free minute is issued. When they were small, and did the mixture, and they went for doctors, if there was time, in a word, everything, as in ordinary families.

But, of course, the main load on the upbringing of heirs is in Catherine. For example, she speaks with them in two languages ​​- Russian and English. And if the Akinfeev himself with foreign adverbs is not particularly in Ladakh, then his son and daughter are already building offers in English.

Usually Igor and Katya are in the world, only if they are asking for a close friend of the family - the soloist of the group "Hands up!" Sergey Zhukov. With him, Akinfeev has been familiar for many years, and in 2009 he became the godfather of the daughter of the musician.

Zhukov and Akinfeev are the best friends and relatives. Igor - the godfather daddy singer's daughter, and Sergey - the godfather of the son of a football player

Zhukov and Akinfeev are the best friends and relatives. Igor - the godfather daddy singer's daughter, and Sergey - the godfather of the son of a football player

Photo: instagram.com/sezhukov.

It all started with the fact that Akinfeev received a serious injury and was on rehabilitation. Fans from the fan club, Knowing the love of Akinfeev to the music "Hands up!", We decided to please our idol and record a friendly greeting from Sergei Zhukov on the video. Found the address of the musician, came and recorded. At that moment, the beetles were not fond of football, so there was practically nothing about the goalkeeper CSKA. Sergey recorded greetings from the pure heart and asked to transfer his phone to call him personally, but the fact that

It's hello to the camera. Igor called, and they met. For some reason, fishing. And it was there, as the beetles later recalled, and they realized that they were not just a lot of common, but almost everything. Since then, this unusual friendship has begun. They even songs "Summer Evening" and "My friend" recorded together. Another Akinfeev acted as an actor and starred in the clip "Open the door".

"You can say, we are already relatives," Sergey Zhukov laughs. - We have a common circle of friends. But what we try to do not know much - this is about CSKA and the group "Hands up!". That is so grabs us in life. We can get together, I will come to Igor for the city, we are a family, with my wives sit down together, fire meat, sit and talk to abstract topics. About the same children. "

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