Why did Columbus left Portugal?


I remember, fifteen years ago, the girlfriend who invited the November evening, invited: "Do you want to try Portwine?" The pretty frightened, because of his Soviet youth I made a belief that Portvein is cheaply sauked. "Yes, I just returned from Portugal," the girlfriend calmed down. - Try it is real. " And I spoiled ... Tart sweets rolled down the larynx, leaving behind the aftertaste, in which everything was hot sun, the aroma of mountain air, salt splashes of the ocean. And then I listened for a long time about a wonderful little country on the edge of the continent, which was just a place for me, from where Columbus went to his navigation. And the desire to see all this covered with your head with your head ...

Many tourists, first visited Portugal, are trying to convey this feeling of discovery. Almost everyone notes that before the trip, they considered the portugal of Pornipheral Spain, but collided with a distinctive country with a unique color. It is difficult to say than Portugal so "takes" guests. Is your traditional way, which is preserved in small mountain towns with centuries, is gorgeous by the palaces, exciting views of the blue waves of the Atlantic, who break into the dust on the rocky shores, or the benevolence and the immediacy of residents of the country? Most likely - both those and others, and the third. Portugal, survived and ups for a major sea power, and fall to the level of European backyards, but not lost its identity, the country is multifaceted.

In the country, of course, there are beaches and hotels. But go to Portugal is still better after another. After all, having been only on the Algarve coast and in the capital Lisbon, do not feel the country. Therefore, the best acquaintance option is to rent a car and drive through the whole country through, visiting and mountainous villages, and magnificent medieval cities. In Portugal - a lot of car rental firms. And rental prices - lower than anywhere else. For example, in 8 days - from 220 to 300 euros. During this time, you can afford to scold the whole country, stopping where it will be especially like.

City "Pokalino" and "Manuelino"

Let's start with the capital of Portugal Lisbon. The city was very destroyed by an earthquake of 1755. Therefore, it remains little from its medieval part. But the Central District of Baishe, rebuilt on the ruins for the clear plan of the Marquis of Pombala, who was then served by the city, revealed the world a new architectural style, which by the name of his creator called "Pombalino". At home, quite a classic appearance of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Ekov in combination with wide streets, laid out mosaic, or even sometimes with mosaic walls, create that unique flavor, which is starting to quickly determine Portugal in various photos.

In addition, a terrible earthquake left Lisbon several monuments, which are included in the list of Portuguese miracles. For example, Castle of St. George, towering over the city. The fortress embedded on the hill is still by the Romans, the centuries passed from hand to hand: from Moors to Crusaders and back. So far, finally in the XII century finally does not pass into the power of the heir to the Portuguese Crown of Afonus I Enrikesh, who, proclaiming independence from the Kingdom of Leon, conquers the fortress and gives her the name of St. George Victorious. From the XIII century for integer three centuries, the castle becomes the royal residence. Then, like many castles, it performed a prison function for some time. And only since 1910, he was recognized as a national monument, which since then attended hundreds of thousands of tourists. The road leading to the castle, heavier and winding. But the result is worthy of experienced inconvenience: from the fortress walls the whole Lisbon is visible as on the palm.

Preserved in Lisbon and buildings that can be considered by the personification of a peculiar architectural style that called "Manuelino". This Portuguese Gothic using national symbols, marine motives, an image of exotic animals, with elements of the Mauritan style. It is possible to understand what it is, you can look at the Bellem Tower at the mouth of the Teous River. This is massive, and at the same time, the openwork structure of the white stone appeared in Lisbon about 500 years ago. For its history, the tower served as lighthouse functions, customs, telegraph station ... Now serves as an decoration of the city and his branded sign, replicated on postcards, magnets, plates, etc.

The White Monastery of Zheronimush, built in the XVI century, is not less popular. After the restoration of the XIX century, he gained his current features in the style of Navenuelino.

Well, of course, with the word "Lisbon", everyone immediately remembers the huge 110-meter statue of Jesus Christ, located on the banks of the River Tejo next to the bridge on April 25. The statue of Christ in Lisbon is an accurate copy of the Rio de Janeiro symbol. True, 10 meters down. Residents of the Portuguese capital erected a monument in 1959 as a sign of gratitude to the inhabitants for the fact that the Lord will relieve Portugal from participating in World War II.

That neither the city is then a fairy tale

After Lisbon, you must certainly go to Sintra. Here is where the luxury of architectural forms and styles. Sintra is also called the city of palaces. After all, it is here that the famous Pen's Palace is such a "biscuit" multicolored castle in a romantic style. And since the King Ferdinand, by whose kettle, was built this fabulous house, actively intervened in the process, the palace turned out to be very peculiar: there are elements of neo-lame, and Neoanuelino, Neo-Oislastic style and neoress. Inside the palace is no less interesting than outside. Rooms are richly decorated with frescoes, paintings, paintings, sculptures and stained glass windows. Around the Palace there is a picturesque park, which will not meet: and sequoia, and magnolia, and cypress trees, and Japanese cryptomeries. And all the space between the trees threw by numerous ferns from Australia and New Zealand. The fact that this "multi-layered" castle became the main attraction of Sintra, and all of Portugal.

Guests of Sintra must be visited and monumental Moorish castle, towering over the city. If there is time, then it is necessary to take a look at the puppet villa of the monmerate and the National Sintra Palace, standing out among other buildings with its isotheral white towers.

Not far from Sintra is the most famous tourist site of Portugal - the most Western Cape Eurasian continent, Cape Roca. With a small plateau with sheer cliffs, a fantastic view of the Atlantic, whose blue waves, breaking up about a sharp sail-like cliff, whipped a narrow sand strip with snow-white foam. And what are the sunsets there ...

Looked, and on the road. Ahead is waiting for a whole necklace of wonderful towns.

The inappropriate "Northern Capital" port with narrow medieval streets, where the balconies of the houses are accused by ivy, the balconies of the houses are almost joined in a kind of arch over the streets. Here it is necessary to try the most wonderful real port, tart and fragrant. In the town of Aveiru, what else is called "Portuguese Venice" due to the complex channel system, admire the blue mosaic of the Misericondi church. And in the city of Leiria, take a look at the gothic castle of King Diisha I and stroll through his pine forest. Do not forget to call in the former residence of Portuguese Templars - Tomar. In their castle, who once defended the country from the Moors, in the summer they show a five-hour interactive play "Rose Name". Do not forget to call Evora - this open-air museum. The town on a hill surrounded by mighty walls, there are about 4 thousand interesting historical monuments, including churches, palaces, gates and squares. This is only a small part of what can take a look in Portugal. It is this abundance of beauty and makes the country so attractive and unique.

Sardines and black piglets

Portuguese cuisine is "something with something." She is as distinctive as Portugal itself. First, all the guests are noted that lovers of pies live here. In the towns, literally at every step are bakeries, where dozens of podgots are offered. And everyone knows about the famous Portuguese pasta cakes "Psheyshah" - these are such baskets from puff pastry with egg custard. It is believed that only cookies of the Belem is believed to be the original recipe of these products. However, the "pshazteoshi" in Portugal is sold everywhere. Since Portugal is a marine country, here, of course, in honor of the fish. Sardines and cod, from which make various delicious dishes particularly respect. However, in Portugal, the meat, which prepare on coals, respect. In mountain villages you can try exotic deer dishes or boar. Or taste the cheeks of the black Iberian pig - "Busheshash" is a dish characteristic of the town of Alentezh, where animal husbandry developed. And on the coast, you can taste unusual crustaceans, which are served called "Persebless", which is consonant with Portuguese verb "you understand." In general, Portuguese cuisine is very simple - baked meat or fish, boiled vegetables. But it is precisely this simplicity and is the key to the excellent taste.

What will bring

For memory from Portugal, naturally, you need to lead Portver. The cost of the bottle is from 4 to 20 euros, depending on the exposure and region of production. Local home cheeses will go to him well, whose varieties in each area are not considered. But Serra Cheese da Esterela has an ancient history, he is famous from the XII century and is one of the most famous Portuguese cheeses. It is made from sheep milk and climbs on the artichoke flowers. For 6-8 euros you can buy a whole kilogram. Clealed cards are very interesting from the inedible souvenirs. And even by the way, pay attention to the traditional symbol of Portugal - Rooster. The coming year will just go under his sign. And in Portugal, all are decorated with this bird - magnets, T-shirts Postcards. It is sold in the form of painted ceramic figures. The rooster here is honored for the fact that he was saving innocent from the loop. Interesting and Portuguese ceramic dishes in the form of a cabbage sheet.

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