Seraphim Holina and its main episode: a thorny path to the glory of the star "Diamond Hand"


On April 12, the sad news of the death of the actress of Serafim Holina came. Even those people who do not interest the cinema, at least once in their lives heard the phrase about "elegant shorts". The actress was really talented, which was confirmed by the mastic mentors in Vgik, where Holine was held five years. We decided to remember life - personal and creative - famous actress.

Nothing foreshadowed

It seems that people born in creative families are most often becoming famous actors and with Mother's milk absorbing skills. With Seraphima was the opposite story: the girl was born in an ordinary family in 1923, her parents were as far away from the world of dreams, Mom led a household, and dad worked on the railway. But young Seraphim since childhood dreamed of the scene and grateful viewers, and therefore did not leave hope that ever her cherished dream would come true. However, the beginning of the Second World War reheated Holina's plans. I had to become a turner and try to survive in the new conditions.

But the power of the will pushed the future actress to his goal - Seraphim still entered VGIK, showed himself only from the best side, and therefore proposals for work after the end of the institute did quite regularly. Holine took on Mosfilm immediately after graduating from the Institute, which allowed the girl to make another big step towards his dream - to become a real actress.

Breakthrough on the screen

Since 1950, Holina took part in the episodes of large paintings, the main role has not sailed the main role. Soon the seraphim began to combine the shooting area with theatrical scene, and then followed the sentences to voice movies with world stars. Holine became Sophie Loren's voice, many Italian actress still associated with seraphic, and all thanks to the ideal in nature. Starful hour in the life of Serafima suddenly happened: Director Leonid Gaidai suggested a small role in his new film "Diamond Hand". Holina had to appear in the frame with Andrei Mironov himself. The actress said the phrase that glorified her to the whole country: "The trousers turn into an easy-to-carry hand, the pants turn ... the pants turn into the elegant shorts!"

Period of clutch

It seemed now the actress, which for so long she went to success, is waiting for star roles in the best paintings of the USSR ... But this did not happen. Further projects could not be compared with the popular painting of Gaiday. Fans were obvious - the talented characteristic actress disappears, and yet the directions did not hurry to offer the Holina role above the secondary. And then the trouble happened.

Disease progresses

In the mid-90s, actress was diagnosed - Alzheimer's disease. The disease progressed so quickly that the actress soon almost lost vision and could no longer remember the texts. Holina turned out to be a reliable support in the face of the daughter and granddaughter who helped Seraphim in everything and did not give to the despondency. In addition, actresses needed support after the death of her husband in the same 1995. As a student, Holina met with a pleasant young man who turned out to be Oleg Golubitsky, who later became a deserved artist of the RSFSR. In the mid-50s, young people became parents. Family life was happy - the couple lived together for 46 years. After the death of Holin's spouse could only rely on the daughter of the closest man.

Let the main roles did not find the famous actress, in the memory of fans, she will forever remain a star of the screen, which shums no less bright than her better-known colleagues.

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