He is already ...: Mature virgin and manual for its operation


The beginning of sexual life cannot be planned, there are many factors that favor or impede this experience. According to statistics, approximately 10% of Russian men begin sex life after 25-29 years, which in modern realities a rather unprepared situation. If you start relationships and at some point you understand that your partner is still "Boy", most importantly - not to scare it even more, since in 90% of cases a man is experiencing a real stress on this occasion, which means to act neatly. How exactly? Let's figure it out.

The initiative is not always punishable

If it still came to bed, you can already congratulate you - you managed to advance on all partners of your at the moment an inexperienced man. Most likely, a man if not confused, it will definitely not insist on his one at least in your first night. But it can happen that man wants to experiment, in this case, try to support it, but provided that you yourself are not against a sexual experiment.

Refuse instructive tone

Many women incredibly like to guide men, and not always the case concerns sex. In our case, the order and instructive tone may be the beginning of the end - and so clapped and an uncertain man can close even more, and without having received enough pleasure from his first time. Of course, at certain points you will have to tell him something, but try to do it so that the man does not feel your superiority - the strong floor with difficulty puts the pressure of a woman, especially in such a thin question like sex.

Do not let you even harmless jokes

Do not let you even harmless jokes

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Do not focus on his virginity

There is nothing worse than in the hundredth time to get a reminder of your inexperience, and even at the moment when it is necessary to achieve maximum excitement, and this process is in sex, this process is given with great difficulty. Believe me, a man and so in the course of his sexual position, an extra reminder, and even at the moment when he is in a vulnerable situation, can provoke further problems with the erection, and our goal is to ensure that the first time for the age virgin is most comfortable.

Do not raise

Agreeing to sex with a man without experience, it is worth it to actually evaluate his capabilities and understand that your night will get quite unusual and crumpled, as it is still far from completely relaxing. The worst thing that a woman can make is to ride a partner. If a man really is the roads and you, in principle, do not want to seriously hurt His feelings, do not let any harmless jokes regarding the experience and physical possibilities of a man.

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