5 recipes for cleaning the lymphatic system


Recipe number 1

The lymphatic system in which the excess liquid flowing from the tissues (lymph) comes around the clock is on guarding the purity of your body around the clock. How to clean it came up with the famous Czech healer Rosa Falshnikova. Her recipe is tested by hundreds of people.

Start of summer - flowering time

Start of summer - flowering time


25 g of rosemary sheet, 20 g of Timyan flowers, 15 g of mint coacher, 10 hawthorn flowers, 10 g of ninefish root, 10 g of the root of Dyagil medicinal. All this can be purchased in the nearest pharmacy. Two tablespoons of mixed grasses should be pouring two liters of water and boil. An hour later, infusion can be drunk. Add honey for taste. Course - 14 days. Improves lymphotok.

Recipe number 2.

Lymph prevents the spread of infection, pathogenic bacteria and microbes. The recipe is called "White Herbs". Mix 10 g of white deaf nettle, 10 g of white acacia, 5 g of jasmine flowers, 5 g chamomile, 5 g of white lilac (flowers), 10 g of yarrow (flowers). Now all plants can be gained and accepted the case or also to buy in a pharmacy.

Clean lymph - beautiful skin

Clean lymph - beautiful skin


From this mixture, take 1 tablespoon, pour 1 glass of boiling water. You need to drink in the afternoon. The infusion is very effective at edema, lymphaticity, as well as other diseases of the lymphatic system, liver and skin diseases.

Recipe number 3.

So that the lymphatic system is not clogging, which leads to various diseases, including oncological, you need to be able to clean it. Mix 2 dining room loaf of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of rose rose syrup, 200 ml of water and a little red burning pepper. The mixture should be drunk before meals, three times a day for two weeks.

Take the best nature

Take the best nature


Recipe number 4.

Conduct effective purification of lymphs easily at home. For example, with the help of kidney horse chestnut, which grows in all urban parks. It will take 200 g kidney chestnut horse, 2 cups of home sour cream, 3 l of lactic serum, 1 tablespoon of ground cleanliness, 100 grams of natural honey. Everything must be mixed and put a mixture for three days for fermentation into a warm place. Then strain and store in the refrigerator.

Now you can hear herbs yourself

Now you can hear herbs yourself


Take a glass of two or three times a day. The drink is shown to those in the morning can not be pulled out, who often leaves the wet, swell their feet and the lymph nodes are swept away, whom the runny nose is.

Recipe number 5.

A good cleaning effect on the lymphosystem produces the infusion of the roasting of the garden on the water proportion 1 to 1. The root of the shred is rubbed onto the grater or grind in a blender. It is recommended to drink 1-2 teaspoon of this infusion 3 times a day for 10 days.

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