Get up for skis: How to "burn" extra kilograms for the New Year holidays


While the experienced skiers descend down the slope at a speed of 40-60 kilometers per hour, practically not straining, newcomers work literally to wear. In the course of training, not only the muscular apparatus is involved, but also the respiratory and cardiovascular system. Want to learn how to get on skis and do with the benefit for the body?

Train in a pair with a professional

Train in a pair with a professional

Call to the aid of the coach

We will master the technique faster and easier with an experienced skier - your mentor can be a professional athlete or a friend who has long ride on the slopes. It is important to learn how to maneuver on the corners and correctly fall so as not to injure the muscles and bones. To help you will be defense - ski suit, helmet and mask. Do not neglect them in the first workouts - a lot will have to fall.

Do not refuse the load

As soon as you master the technique, go to enhanced training. Try not to be in a static position and just descend from the slope - lean, "wag" ski socks in different directions with zigzag movements. Conquer different heights - the greater the angle of inclination of the track, the stronger the muscles of the berries and the back surface of the hip are involved - those zones whose hypertrophy is trying to achieve a girl. Among other things, it is sometimes useful to climb the slope itself, and not only on the lift. True in those zones where it is allowed to do - look carefully on the sides and look for warning signs.

After training you need to eat

After training you need to eat

Proper nutrition

After a hard workout, you want to eat burger and drink stake? This desire is explained: during training, the muscles are consumed by glycogen, formed from glucose. Giving reserves, the body wishes to fill them. True instead of sweets it is better to eat a portion of fruits and berries - the benefit will be more. And for muscle growth, it will be useful to eat a steak and vegetable salad - kill two hares at once. And do not forget about hot drinks - we take a thermos with tea or coffee on the slope. So after skiing, you will understand what is really hungry, and not just want to drink.

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