Valery Kozhevnikova: "I do not like everydayness"


- What color do you associate yourself?

- I am a chameleon man, it all depends on the mood.

- Have you ever to say that you read Schopenhauer, although you did not read it?

- Not.

- Somedo in the attack of rage you beat the dishes, the newspapers teamed, moved objects?

- Usually I am very restrained, but this happened to me, and I do not regret it.

- Did you have given presented gifts?

- No, but I once got a gift presented by me.

- What can make you redden?

"When you confuse and feel awkward and, of course, a good bathhouse."

- Your reaction at the sight of your own double?

"I will definitely get acquainted, we can be very useful, for example, he can be my dubler."

- The most unexpected entrance you allowed?

- There were a lot of them, but I hope that the most unexpected ahead, I do not like everydayness.

- What vices are you experiencing the greatest condesception?

- To own.

- Your main advantage?

- kindness.

- What kind of test you do not?

- loneliness.

- What talent would you like to possess?

- phenomenal memory.

- What did you promise yourself this morning?

- productive week.

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