Iron grip: stars that showed themselves in business


Ksenia Borodin is not only popular TV presenter, but also a successful businessworm. Borodin owns beauty salon, where the other day there was an unpleasant incident with the participation of a blogger girl. The scandal flared up after the girl began to say, as if the staff of the salon put her out of the door after the blogger began shooting. Borodina stood up on the side of his workers, stating that the girl violated the law on collecting information about private life. However, on the side of the blogger, followers of Borodina, which were outraged by the actions of the cabin employees. Borodin herself asked Follovover to close this topic, since the incident is not worth the wave of indignation that the social network users raised.

Almost every artist eventually decides to open a business related or not with its main activity. We decided to remember who from the stars work without bothering hands immediately in several areas.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Who would have thought that "Iron Arnie" in due time was engaged in supplying bricks. Arriving in the States, Schwarzenegger, together with his friend, took up a small construction business, went uphill after the earthquake in 1971, when the future star blockbuster began to receive dozens of brick orders to destroyed areas. Arnold did not limit himself only by bricks and soon began selling accessories for bodybuilding, cassettes with exercise entries and simulators. Thanks to the falsity, Schwarzenegger has become a millionaire for 30 years.

Brad Pitt

Hollywood Handsome Datterid Twenty years dreamed of his own collection of furniture, in 2012 Brad fell a chance to fulfill his dream. Famous designer Frank Pollaot became interested in the sketches of the actor and offered Pitt cooperation. Now in one of the collections Pollaot you can find bar chairs, tables and sleeping headsets, made on the idea of ​​Pitt.

Lady Gaga

The singer did not finish and launched his own social network. Fans of actipers got the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people, without exposing the criticism of other users - after all, the entire network is dedicated to one Gage. The star did not limit himself only by cyber business, also showing the initiative in perfume business, opened the electronics store, and also engaged in creating his own clothing line.

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