Papunaishvili denied parting with her wife-Italian


The media appeared on the separation of Evgeny Papunaishvili with Italian Salima Bizhar - the couple lived together just over three years. With reference to some familiar couples, journalists argued that the choreographer was not seen from the spring and his daughter.

Having learned about the dissemination of such information, the artist hurried to refute the news in the social network. "The main editors of the media once respected by me have the opportunity to call me personally and ask, but they didn't do that for this, but just hit the loud headlines. The God of His judge "(the spelling and punctuation of the author was preserved, - approx.), - Sadman signed a fresh selfie from the address on the personal page" Instagram ".

It is known that Salim Evgeny met a few years ago. The novel developed rapidly, and after a few months the couple officially registered relations. In December 2018 they had a daughter Sofia. She was born on December 11 - on the birthday of the dancer himself.

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