Yana Rudkovskaya showed the face of the younger son of arms


Yana Rudkovskaya producer and her husband, figure skater Evgeny Plushenko, in late September last year they became parents for the second time - the son of Arseny was born in a couple. Rudkovskaya for a long time hid the face of the younger heir, but still decided to show the kid to his subscribers, who turned out to be very similar to his older brother Alexander.

Yana on his personal page in Instagram published a photo on which two of her son was captured - Sasha stands next to a stroller of a little arms and gently playing with him. "Nurse, happy, we still want a girl. What if dreams come true? " (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors were preserved - approx.) - admitted a producer under the image.

Subscribers supported the desire of Rudkovskaya to become a mom's mom. They also showered her sons with compliments and noted that they are similar. "Arseny is a small copy of the already large Sasha", "Oh, seen in profile, brothers are similar," "very similar to each other," wrote Folloviers.

Recall, Yana Rudkovskaya raising four sons. Two from marriage with billionaire Viktor Baturin - 19-year-old Andrei and 18-year-old Nikolai. And two from Alexander Plushenko - 8-year-old Alexander and 6 months of arsenia.

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