5 conflicts of Russian stars louder Prigogina and Shnurov


Conflicts of creative personalities begin with poems and songs, and end with verbal skimming. So the singer Sergey Shnurov collapsed with criticism of the producer of Joseph Prigogin for told about the plight of artists during the forced cancellation of concerts. Men exchanged poems devoted to each other, and not having to settle the conflict. This is not the first case when celebrities criticize the words and actions of each other - about the rest will tell in this material.

Ksenia Sobchak and Tina Kandelaki

When two tuned journalist tuned in the online space, a major scandal cannot be avoided. On the air show "Evening Urgant" Sobchak said that he would never pay attention to Tina, if he had been a man: "Kandelaki how many in the gym doesn't do, she still looks like so-so." In response to such words, Kandelaki demonstrated a slim figure in the photo and shared the recipe for useful salad: "I continue to prove that the delicious, useful and full nutrition, including accessible." She also commented on Ksenia's words: "I will not hide, it is flattering, when the former ex-presidential candidate ... Famous video clrokener, leading ... Discusses me, a modest girl from Tbilisi. Fair? Nice, I will not hide! "

Nikita Mikhalkov and Vladimir Pozner

The conflict of stars began with the fact that Vladimir Pozner wrote a letter to the director after the release of his transmission of "Bessenus TV" about chipping people - a journalist noted that he did not agree with the views of Mikhalkov on the situation and criticized the Echo Moskvi radio station. In response to this, in the new issue, Mikhalkov turned to Posnor: "Vladimir Vladimirovich, [Why did you touch me?" What is later Posner published an open letter on his site, in which he noted that "never said that he would not answer the question about how he belongs to his program if he was asked."

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Вчера, 22-го мая, вышла очередная программа Н.С.Михалкова “Бесогон”, вышла на его Ютьюб-канале, поскольку телеканал “Россия-24” не стал показывать её. Программа была отчасти посвящена моей персоне, что явствует из её названия: “Познер, поп Гапон и Гуси-лебеди”. После её выхода я получил большое количество звонков из различных инфо онлайн каналов с вопросом, буду ли я отвечать на выпады Михалкова в мой адрес, будут ли у меня комментарии, буду ли я как-то реагировать? Я сказал, что еще не решил, что подумаю. Сегодня утром проснулся с пониманием, что выскажусь, но отвечать Михалкову не стану, да и комментировать его программу тоже не буду, поскольку это не только бессмысленно, но и означало бы опускаться на уровень, который я считаю для себя недопустимым. Поэтому я хотел бы лишь объяснить всем, кому это интересно, суть дела… Текст большой, поэтому переходите по ссылке в профиле @pozneronline или https://pozneronline.ru/2020/05/27615/

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Ida Galich and Olga Buzova

After an interview with the blogger, Ida Galich Sobchak, where she explained why he negatively speaks about Olga Buzova, the singer did not hold out emotions. Then Galich told about the deception of the singer, who refused to give it an interview, referring to the lack of voice, and then still talked to other journalists. Buzova was surprised that he was fine with the go for some time and often met at events, but she does not remember about the misunderstanding. The singer was offended by sharp words of the blogger, after which the former communication is no longer possible to restore.

Dana Borisov and Evelina Bledans

"The refrigerator manites and has a magnetic property," Khuil Evelyna live along with Alena Vodonaeva. On Quarantine, Evelina Bledans decided to seriously deal with his figure, though the traditional ways to effectively reduce the weight she failed. The actress admitted that adopts special medicines under the supervision of the doctor. In response, Dana Borisov, who previously recognized in the reception of similar tablets, unexpectedly decided to comment on the situation in his instagram: "Of course, take an example from me, and not from Evelina Bledans, which dresses all sorts of weight loss tablets." The story made a lot of noise in the press, but Evelyna did not insult Danu in response, and once again he explained that all the manipulations were conducted under the supervision of the doctor.

Tatyana Bruhunova and Nastya Ivelev

The young wife of the humorist Yevgeny Petrosyan criticized the behavior of the TV presenter in an interview with the Starhit edition: "The girl, from whose mouth is a fuss of obscene break, in my opinion, decaying monster." Bruukhunov called a generation grown by bloggers, "mutants with atrophied brains." Usually, the TV presenter responds quickly to the offensive words, but here he left insults without comment - it seems that the bruhnovoy is not interested in the blogger. At the same time, Nastya Ivelieva used to conflict with Olga Buzova, knowing that she always commented on words to her address.

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