"The property needs to rewrite on Alice": Mother Arshavin accused Kazmen in fraud


The mother of the Russian football player Andrei Arshavina Tatiana Arshavin after a loud scandal with a serious illness of the former spouse of Athlete Alice Kazmeni decided to tell the whole truth about the ex-daughter-in-law. This woman shared on the ether of the program "Let them say".

Arshavina stated that she had a good relationship with Alice until she suspected a girl in fraud. A woman with his son is confident that Kazmin works in the FSB, since the ex-football player has repeatedly told about life-threatening service operations.

In 2018, Arshavin began to report messages with threats, then Alice stated that Andrei was paying for the fact that she had nahamil her influential colleagues. "Once he told me:" Mom, if I die, all the property needs to rewrite on Alice. " I was then in such a shock! He even wrote messages that Alice was killed, "said Tatiana.

Arshavin and Mother decided not to contact the police, because they were confident that the threats coming from high-ranking people. After a few months, Andrei began to blackmail more often, and he decided to pay off a huge amount of money. "The son called and said me to remove a million euro from the account and handed over Alice's driver. I then managed all his accounts. Of course, did it as he asked her son. The driver responded to me, said that he gave money to someone there, and we would no longer disturb. Already later we found out that after a meeting with me, he immediately went to the bank, in which Alice had a score, "the mother of the football player shared.

Arshavin, until the latter, did not believe in fraud from the spouse, until he turned to the police, where he was informed that no one was pursued by the athlete. Then Andrey decided to apply for a divorce.

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