Jolie banned Pitt to acquaint her daughter with his passion


Recently, the sources of foreign media reported that the star of Hollywood Angelina Jolie banned his former husband Brad Pitt to acquaint their total 13-year-old daughter Shailo with his current Passasi. Now the artist is attributed to the novel with a 31-year-old counterpart Aliya Shokat. According to Mirror, the ex-spouse asked the actor to interrupt the chat of a child with a girl. It is argued that the heir to celebrities met Aliah when he spent time with dad.

According to insiders, Jolie set a man's real ultimatum - now she even demands from the ex-spouse that their child does not communicate with actress Jennifer Aniston - she was married to Pitt until 2005, and today artists are friends who repeatedly became the reason for the spread of rumors about their reunion on the network.

Last December, Brad stated to journalists that after the divorce with Angelina does not avoid relationships, but also purposefully searched for himself. According to Pitta, all information about the novels attributed to him over the past two or three years is invention and does not correspond to reality.

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