Ours in Cannes: Star Defile Film Form


Russian cinema is represented in Cannes with two films in the competitive program "Special Look": the picture of Larisa Sadilova "Once in Trubchevsk" and "Dilda" Kantemir Balam. The first on the red carpet came participants in the Castle Group "Dlatti". All of them were noticeably nervous, they did missy gestures to the press and the public and pretty quickly went to the hall. By the way, the director Kantemir Balagov (second left) in Cannes is already the second time. At one time he showed his film "Tesnet", which was very good. It must be recognized as the new work of the young director after the show from the soul applauded.

Bill Murray

Bill Murray

Gennady Avramenko

On the film Film Jim Jarmushe "the dead do not die" Bill Murray decided to play a capricious actress. It must be recognized that the talent and experience of Mr. Murraya allow you to play anything, but with the "actress" Bill clearly became interested in. He hemuncal, built his eyes, and then so walked the festival tube that she almost collapsed. In a good way, the spectacle should have been selling tickets.

Elton John and Taron Edgerton

Elton John and Taron Edgerton

Gennady Avramenko

Two Elton John - Actor Tarron Egerton, who played musical legend in the film "Rocketman", and directly Sir Elton - exchanged on a red carpet with meaningful glances. All noted that between the actor and the musician there were truly high relationships. Elton John is terribly pleased with the game of Teron, and Mr. Ejrton is ready in the literal sense of the word to kiss maestro hands for inspiration. At the premiere itself, a small concert took place: Sir Elton for Royal, Taron at the microphone. Music fans were ready to break away from the dignity.

Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria

Gennady Avramenko

At the most famous "desperate housewife" something like a split personality happened. Before entering the red carpet, Eva Longoria was the meekness itself. I smiled to everyone, did not greet the welcoming gestures, and, in general, it seemed that I was not going to push Star Paphos at all. But as soon as the actress stepped up to the press, she was clearly replaced. Now it was a superstar, which simply do not approach. We liked Eva more with a smile.

Murad and Natalia Ottoman

Murad and Natalia Ottoman

Gennady Avramenko

Murad and Natalia Ottoman looked not at all as they used to see the fans of their project "Follow me." Natalia did not drag Murad by hand, and Murad did not photograph Natalia. It is quite possible, the couple postponed her shooting for the sake of great breath joys. We, in turn, are ready to admit that in the evening outfits, the spouses are simply irresistible.

Dita background Tis

Dita background Tis

Gennady Avramenko

Burlesque diva, models and a little singer diet background Tis now forty-six years. It is said that she has a cute age hobby like collecting porcelain, but on the Red Track Dita is still a dangerous thing. At one time, she tamed Marylin Manson himself for a couple of years, and then, apparently, she threw as unnecessary. She came to the press as a true queen, which, as you know, is not in a hurry anywhere, does not follow the fashion and is not very interested in what they will say about it.

Bella Hadid

Bella Hadid

Gennady Avramenko

Bella Hadid, as it should be the model, is a girl with a very plastic appearance. That is, in different situations, she may look so different that it can simply not know. In addition, on the Russian weeks of fashion, this deafeningly successful top model is not yet noticed, and therefore we have not paid attention to it. Western colleagues helped. They will know her in any form. When Bella came to the red carpet in a translucent white dress, natural madness began around. Bella itself reacted to an excitement around his person with an ice indifference. Posted to masterfully, almost not blinking.

Alexey Vorobiev

Alexey Vorobiev

Gennady Avramenko

Russian pop-star has recently been very passionate about the movies. Trying to act in different projects and as a director to shoot video clips. It is possible that Cannes have become for Alexey something like a new isna for activity. On the track, the artist was smiling and moved. Danced like Elvis, and was not confused by the fact that the majority of the press and the public came to stare clearly not at him.

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