Dinner with Donald Trump: How Russian Stars celebrated Christmas


If the new year is a noisy holiday with fireworks and loud music, then Christmas is a day, when all relatives are going at the same table and remember touching stories under the ringing of glasses. Celebrities preferred to spend the evening in a circle of family and close friends, and after some had to go on business - on performances and records of New Year's programs. Prepared a selection of pictures from personal blogs.

Alexander Ovechkin

Ovechkin family does not like red tracks and grand parties, preferring to them meeting with close people. They spent the day of Christmas along with her son on the beach, and later made a memorable shot from the Christmas tree. In the evening, the couple came to the dinner of President Donald Trump in the elite restaurant of Florida, where all the world gathered.

Anna Sedokova

A similar way spent his day singer Anna Sedokova. All day she was at home with his son Hector, together with whom she wrote a letter to Santa Claus. In the evening, a kind wizard came to the baby to visit and gave him long-awaited toys. After the kid went to bed, Anna came to a party to his friends in a Moscow restaurant. All evening, the guests of the event enjoyed exquisite dishes, sang along with invited stars and wondered the tricks of the magician.

Denis Klyaver

The noisy feast singer Denis Klyaver preferred the evening in the company of the two closest people - wives and son. The family set the Christmas tree in the living room and dressed up with her New Year's decorations. "Garlands, a Christmas tree, fireplace, salads, sweets, hot tea - and swirls now do not pull out of the house," signed a family video singer.

Christina orbaytete

To meet the holiday in a circle of loved ones also decided Christina orbaytete. While her colleagues lit at the Christmas concert Grigory Leps, Christina danced in a funny hat near the Christmas tree. The singer congratulated her fans with Christmas and wished them all year to be happy. In the comments, Friends of the performer and Alla Borisovna herself, who wrote: "Merry Christmas, my girl".

Vladimir Presnyakov

Unlike the former beloved, Vladimir Presnyakov decided to still participate in the Christmas concert. In Instagram, he shared a photo, where he poses along with his wife Natalia Podolskaya. Couples like pictures!


Judging by the photo on social networks, the singer was also at work at work, like many of her colleagues on the workshop. However, Valery did not upset this: she poses and smiling widely in the picture. "My dear subscribers! All who exactly today celebrates the Christmas of Christ, congratulations on this bright holiday! Merry Christmas to the World !!!!!! " - Wrote Valery in the post.

Victoria Bonya

Looks like the only one who was left alone in the family holiday was Victoria Bonya. In Instagram, the girl asked the subscribers, what film to see, and then spent the whole night in the room of the hotel near the TV. In Storsith Victoria complains that a brilliant skirt and evening dress, which she took with him on this trip to Monaco, she never managed to wear.

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