Ksenia Sobchak: "Botox I'm doing now"


The recognition of Alla Pugacheva that she did plastic, caused a storm of discussions on the network. Now the fans recall not only the revelations of the prima, but also such experience of other stars. Many of the artists do not even hide this fact. I found out who is not afraid of interventions of beauty professionals and is openly admitted.

Ksenia Sobchak: "All natural, no silicone"

Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia Sobchak


Ksenia Sobchak, who has always told for naturalness, recently admitted that she failed to avoid beauty enclosures. At the same time, she told which procedures practicing. According to Sobchak, it is better to spend money on a good cosmetologist and sports, "What is on endless fillers, which will then be saved." And as a rejuvenating procedure, Sobchak prefers plasmotherapy.

"All natural, no silicone" (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of authors are preserved. - approx.), - summarized the fair.

In response to this, she received a remark of one of their subscribers: "But what about the fillers and Botox, and Silicon in Sponges, who were previously invented? Satisfied as the memory of them? " On this Xenia replied: "Botox I now do, I do not do lips."

Anna Semenovich got rid of too big breasts

Anna Semenovich had to remove too lush chest

Anna Semenovich had to remove too lush chest

Press service materials

If most women dream of an increase in breasts, the artist had to resort to a decrease in which she honestly admitted.

"I also addressed the plastic surgeon once. It was associated with gigantomasics. This is such a feature of the body when the chest is constantly growing and increases in size. And when it was already a problem, back pain and overall discomfort associated with too much volume, my mammologist recommended to contact the plastic surgeon to reduce the chest into several sizes. I will say honestly, making this operation, I am in the literal and figurative sense to feel much easier and more comfortable. Such a feature is not uncommon. For example, in Israel, where practically all outstanding forms, this operation is covered with mandatory medical insurance, and many women at a certain moment resort to it. I had it first and so far the last experience with a plastic surgeon, "the artist told. - In general, I do not see anything bad in plastic. The main thing is a sense of measure. And it is very cool that every day there are new technologies that allow women to extend and preserve youth. Look at how women look at 50 and even 60 years old - just girls! But during the time of the USSR, it was already quite mature ladies. Therefore, when the time comes, it is possible that I am resserved to some kind of plastic surgeon.

Warningly I would like to increase breast surgery. If you think about her, please think very well. Is it worth doing this? We all know about the experience of Lera Kudryavtseva, for which this operation is hardly turned into serious health consequences. And there are a lot of such examples. Believe me, with a small or, on the contrary, like me, big breasts - you are beautiful in any case. "

Of course, Anna has to follow their appearance under the control of specialists.

"The cosmetologist I am a frequent guest. I love a face massage - this is the best of the procedures for me, it takes extra liquid, make the skin tumaled and fresh. We like various leaving procedures, hardware cosmetology. Twice a year I make courses mesotherapy with cocktails with hyaluronic acid, usually in spring and autumn.

I generally believe that it is cosmetic procedures with a person to start doing the earlier, the better. After all, they allow as long as possible not to turn to plastic surgeons. Psychology, that before a certain age, it is not necessary to go to the beautician, I consider it deceptive and stupid. The sooner you start to care for themselves, the better you look, save the wonderful quality of the skin. Young girls 20-25 years old must go to face massages, leaving procedures. A little later, if there is a need to, carefully apply Botox against the first wrinkles on the forehead. Light mesotherapy from vitamin cocktails is also beneficial. Now for our beauty created so much interesting and useful. I'm just sure that the real woman must use this woman, "the singer concluded.

Vika Bonya: bags under the eyes and help in Hollywood

Vika Bonya tries to minimize the number of beauty enclosures

Vika Bonya tries to minimize the number of beauty enclosures


But Victoria Bonya at 24, still decided to risk and make the shelf's removal operation (bags) under the eyes. At first, it all arranged it, but over time she drew attention that another extreme appeared - the loss of soft tissues. She had to fill the missing volume. The silent lioness did not throw in an embrace to the first surgeon who had fallen, but turned to the specialist known in Hollywood, who makes beauty injections to many stars. Russian beauty remained satisfied with the result, although the procedure was not cheap. Now, the Vika admits that it tries to avoid plastic surgeons, less prick of Botoks and put Fillers, because once he was too keen on it. To improve the condition of the face, it makes special exercises and lightweight cosmetic procedures.

Natalie restored chest after childbirth

Singer Natalie has not yet made plastic on her face

Singer Natalie has not yet made plastic on her face


Singer Natalie refers to the category of artists who have practically not change over the years. By the way, Dmitry Kharatyan was already in this category, which, according to numerous fans, was frozen. But if the actor did not tell anything about the campaigns to cosmetology cabinets, then Natalie admitted that there was a plastic surgery in her life. The singer made plastic chest after childbirth. To date, this is the only plastic surgery of the star. How repeatedly admitted Natalie, she became a mom of two boys who fed a breast. After such experiments, her bust lost its form. As the actress recognized, for her "plastic was salvation." In addition, Natalie enjoys the services of a cosmetologist, the hi-turonic acid and vitamin cocktails. And also pods the Botox on the lips, but within reasonable limits. Thus, Natalie manage to look as much as possible and much younger than its age. Who would have thought, but in March, the girl will be ... 46 years old!

Tatyana Vedeneeva: unsuccessful blepharoplasty

Tatyana Vedeneeva in his 66 years looks stunning

Tatyana Vedeneeva in his 66 years looks stunning

Gennady Avramenko

Tatyana Vedeneeva is one of the most beautiful TV presenters that admired millions of viewers in Soviet times. Now she still looks magically in her 66 years. But the star was openly admitted that there were plastic surgery more than once. But one of them was not quite successful. Teediva told in the studio Lera Kudryavtseva, which decided on blepharoplasty - a suspendedness of the eyelid. This allows you to make a look more open, and the face is younger. However, the result of Vedeneeva strongly regretted, since the operation was done with the help of cuts, although later Tatyana found out that it was possible to do without them. As a result, it appeared swelling under one of the eyes, and the cuts are visible so far. Now she tries to be extremely gently approaching the issue of changes in appearance. Vedeneeva Kolts Botox and Hyaluronka.

Lera Kudryavtseva got rid of the burst implant

However, Lera Kudryavtseva herself was also not afraid to admit that he used the services of plastic surgeons, because almost paid for it to his health. She recently told about it in his "instagram". For thousands of fans, Kudryavtsevaya's story became a real revelation.

Lera Kudryavtseva 15 years ago made plastic surgery on the chest

Lera Kudryavtseva 15 years ago made plastic surgery on the chest


"Narcosis has not yet deposited, perhaps tomorrow I will regret my revelation, but if my post will save at least a few girls from the installation of implants, it means everything is not in vain," Lera wrote. - 15 years ago in St. Petersburg, I put implants in the chest. The certificate was black in white written - a lifelong warranty, and the doctor said - you can press the tank. Then there was no information, and we were still experimental rabbits. Every year I pass the check-up. We sent to the ultrasound, then on MRI with contrast. Verdict! The left implant Porn, flows 5-6 years. Where only it was possible to check: (((urgently, operation to remove implants with capsule and excision of silicone from tissues. Very aggressive operation, very. Girls - this post for you, I have a lot. Information ... Well, I really hope you take this and such. "

Lera Kudryavtseva sighed lightweight, after having got rid of dangerous implants

Lera Kudryavtseva sighed lightweight, after having got rid of dangerous implants


The fans kept supported. And judging by the fact that Kudryavtseva was not afraid to put on a tight dress and post a picture in it into the network, she also took himself without implants.

Sasha Project: 9 plastic interventions

Singa Sasha Project turned out to be one of the most affected surgeons. For several years, she was suused with a plastic surgeon due to a series of unsuccessful operations. One day Sasha decided to correct his nose, make a beautiful chin and pull the chest after childbirth. However, something went wrong ...

Sacha Sasha Project managed to recover after plastic

Sacha Sasha Project managed to recover after plastic


For some reason, the implant in the chin was set incorrectly. For some reason, implants in the chest also did not keep in place and moved. The same thing concerned and the nose, which was supposed to be amazed, but was somewhat twisted. At first Sasha tried to negotiate with the surgeon, which is called, lovely, but the sides did not come to the general denominator. She had to bear this story for everyone to see. The singer told about what happened in the media, as a result, the case was concluded from the dead point. Sasha made repeated operations on the nose, restored the shape of the chest. In addition, she managed to sue a decent amount to restore the chin and teeth, which due to the incorrectly made operation could fall. In the aggregate she had to make at least 9 operations for several years.

"How long suffered! Long fought and struggling for justice and your health and life! 4 years of ships and expectations! " - wrote an artist in his "Facebook". Fortunately, problems behind. Now Sasha is pleased with his appearance, and it seems, no longer going to any surgeons to go.

Tatyana Dogileva: "I know what operation is: like after the war!"

But the actress Tatiana Dogileva to the question of plastics approached not without humor. She decided to make a gift for the 40th anniversary. The fact that she did an operation, the actress admitted a few years ago in the transfer of "Girl".

Tatyana Dogilev

Tatyana Dogilev

Ekaterina Shlychkova

"You see, there are different buildings of persons. My face suddenly went down. Including eyelids. They sank me, I was like Viy: Lift the eyelids. Well, maybe I would not dare, honestly. Stupidity - second happiness. I play myself a performance, I don't know hotness, and next to the young artist, good one. And she says: "Do you like my eyes"? I say: "like." And she says: "I cut off." I: "I want too." And she gave the contacts of the doctor, "the actress told. At the same time, she admitted that he absolutely did not regret this act.

"I still wanted a heroine. And one criticism wrote: "aging movie star." And I am very grateful to her, because I all cut off myself. I changed so that no one recognized me, I did another circular suspension ... but I greeted it like this: "Hello, I'm Tanya Doglev."

The actress admitted that the operation itself was a test.

"I know what operation is: like after the war! There is no facial, all in the bandages, edema, the eye is not ... a nightmare. And when everything passes, you begin asymmetry. (Laughs.) Because first on one side cut, and then on the other. My husband was then, but now there is no. He was very worried, said: "Call a doctor, ask: so it will remain?" I played another 10 years of heroin, I took everything, I don't need it, "I admitted to Doglev.

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