Stars plunged into the baptism


Singer Stas Kostyushkin

The singer this year first decided to plunge into baptism. In his "instagram", Kostyushkin laid out a video on which he was immersed in ice water.

"My first time, when I was not frightened and also took part in the baptized bathing. Such a dubby, baptized as he could. Orthodox, sorry (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx.) - Signed the roller Stas.

Actress Janina Melekhova

In baptism, without having a barley, the actress Janina Melekhova plunged into a snowdrift.

Yanina Melekhova

Yanina Melekhova

"I had experience and dip in the hole, as it happens to everyone for the first time, there was an excitement - I can or not. Will not I get sick? What will be sensations?! So that everything went smoothly, consulted with connoisseurs, read articles. It is important for women to be as careful, because we need to keep our important organs in warmth, otherwise you will have long and painfully treat female diseases. After that experience, I did not dip a few years, and this year I again felt the need to plunge. But I was left, and there was no possibility to find an equipped place for this. To enter the water of Ababa where I did not risk, so I went to the courtyard, where there was a lot of snow, and arranged wiping. It takes place, because in baptism all the water becomes sacred, and the snow is water. Therefore, these days it is possible and you need to wipe the bachersky snow. And this is suitable for those who are healthy, circumstances or age cannot plunge. I was guided by this. "

Actor Maxim Averin

"With baptism!" The actor congratulated his subscribers in the microblog and published the photo on which he enters Jordan. True, Averin did not clarify, he plunged this year or this is an old photo. But Folloviers still estimated the courage. Maxim in the comments.

Participant Show "Ural Pelmeni" Ilan Yuryeva

Ilan Yuryev

Ilan Yuryev

"Perching in the hole - completely stunning sensations! When this happened to me for the first time in life, emotions were simply shrouded. I left the water and immediately wanted to enter there again, but the spouse said that it was impossible, and in ice water you need to be literally a few seconds. The most important thing is to prepare and morally, and physically. Starting to drench in the shower, lowering the temperature of the water, if possible, wipe in snow. Well, most importantly, set yourself inside. And I guarantee that you will feel better, cleaner, healthier and, most importantly, happier! When only you go into the water, it seems to "burn", and after - you are happy as small.

Last year, we were not in baptism, but now it happened that we returned to the Christmas Eve. But even if you can't plunge into the hole, you can just get under the cold shower. Do not be afraid of condemnation, any water acquires magical properties these days, and all this will benefit you. "

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova

But Anastasia Volochkova plunges into the hole not only in baptism. Ballerina periodically shocks its subscribers photos and videos, on which it is lying in the snow or immersed in the font.

"Do not worry that I frozen, I get up from 13 years. Would you venture to plunge into ice and snow? " - So Volochkova signed one of his last posts.

Singer Anita Tsoi

Anita Tsoi for 7 years already dipped into baptism and considers this moment "truly magical." This year, the singer posted an archive video, which was captured for the first time, when Anita made this ritual.

"This video is 2012 silver boron. I remember, then I just returned from the winter holidays, which spent on the warm ocean. The tan gives ... I must say, it was scary to dive into dark cold water, but to steal before colleagues - not in my rules. Thanks to my musicians for your support! It turned out to be great! " - Signed his post.

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