Alexey Chadov chooses blondes


This meeting has become a kind of revelations in the evening. Those stars who have recently hid their second half, gladly told them about them and even showed. Actor Nikita Tarasov appeared at one of the first at the event, and not alone, but with his wife Marina. Three months ago, Nikita and Marina became parents and for the first time lately came together, leaving her little daughter Taisia ​​on her grandparents. By the way, Nikita became Father not only in life, but also in the frame.

Among the Star guests of the presentation were Pavel Derezko, Anna Semenovich and Mikhail Galustyan

Among the Star guests of the presentation were Pavel Derezko, Anna Semenovich and Mikhail Galustyan

Gennady Avramenko

"It so happened that my spouse on the scenario, which Jan Krainov plays, and my wife Marina was pregnant. And childbirth occurred almost one day. I received a childbirth in the frame and flew to take birth at Marina, "the happy father explained.

Nikita Tarasov and his spouse Marina three months ago became parents

Nikita Tarasov and his spouse Marina three months ago became parents

Gennady Avramenko

Alexey Chadov and Natalia Bardo were very happy to see each other again, because in the film they spent side by side most of the time and became real friends. "For almost a week to twelve hours in a row, with Natasha Bardo, I starred in a closed space, squeezed from all sides. More difficult in this sense, I had only shooting in the tank. But but I planted the plane in Domodedovo himself, "Alexey Chadov admitted.

To the star of the series "Happy together", Darius Sagalova is still suitable for autographs, despite the fact that the TV project ended several years ago. Now Daria brings up daughters to Lisa and Stephenia. The older, six-year-old Elizabeth, the actress led to a party, and the girl just struck the surrounding her beauty. However, the appearance of the babe of Daria is not going to exploit.

Daria Sagalova brought his older daughter Elizabeth, who has been six years old

Daria Sagalova brought his older daughter Elizabeth, who has been six years old

Gennady Avramenko

"I don't want to give it to the promotional business, we are more like a children's lifestyle, not secular: she is engaged in dancing, music, playing the violin, sings in the choir, draws, teaches English, there is a bit of horse riding and even rhythmic gymnastics - looking for herself . Now it was determined and finishes the first class of music school. Also we are preparing for school - there is no time to bored at all! - Telted the actress. - Now all my free time is occupied by the family. I often refuse scripts, although proposals come regularly. But now that I come out of the house now, there must be some bright event. "

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