"Has no moment": Kovalchuk congratulated her daughter in three years


Julia Kovalchuk threatened her daughter from Alexey Chumakov three years ago. The baby called Amelia, and today the girl has a birthday. The famous mother has already congratulated her child, posing in "Instagram" a touching post.

"Whoever spoke, but no happier of the birth of your child in life is not" (here and then the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, - approx.), - Beginning Kovalchuk under the scene made in the hospital - on it the singer keeps the newborn heiress on him .

"My angel, Amenechka, be better and happier than we, as our papule says, and just pray, so that you live under a peaceful sky, God worked from the adversity of your vulnerable soul, and we will always be near Pope. Happy Birthday, My Little Princess, With Your 3-Children! " - wished the girl Kovalchuk.

Covalchuk's followers in the comments hurried to join Congratulations Amelia and wished her to grow healthy, beautiful and happy, to the joy of their mom and dad. And the dad, by the way, has already said a little earlier that it dreams of an increase in them with Yulia family - the artist hopes that later his favorite will give birth to him.


Julia Kovalchuk with daughter Amelia
Julia Kovalchuk with daughter Amelia


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