Verka Serduchka revealed the details of the wedding Potap and Kamensky


In a recent interview, the Ukrainian star of Verka Serduchka (in the world - Andrei Danilko) revealed to journalists the details of the wedding celebration of their loved ones - Potap and Nastya Kamensky, on which she made free. The holiday was celebrated in the elite Italian Fabius restaurant near Kiev, where the cream of local show business passed. According to the artist, the newlyweds did not shake on the wedding banquet: the guests were treated with crispy octopus, Kamchatsky crab, foap and other delicacies.

According to some reports, the banquet cost newly new spouses in 7 million rubles. Separately paid the decor and the concert program. "The wedding turned out to be solvent," Danilko notes. Also showman told about the plans of the couple. As it turned out, Kamensky dreams of children. "And this is a natural desire. It is not always possible to combine normal life and a successful career. I hope the guys will be able to "," Andrei summarized, reports "Starkit".

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