Averbukh shared the revelations of the novel with Arzamasova


The coach in figure skating Ilya Averbukh in an interview on Youtube-channel Konoff told the truth about the relationship with the actress of the series "Daddy's daughter" by Liza Arzamasova. "For a while we met, but I quickly decided to remove all the questions that arose," said Averbukh.

The figure skater noted that many of the celebrity's personal lives are interested in many of them, so he is not going to hide and take advantage of it. Averbukh admitted that they have very tender relationships with Lisa, and he expects them to continue. Also Ilya said he considers himself a happy man, and at the moment it is even more happy than before.

Ilya Averbukh called Lisa Arzamasov a fearless person. She loves sports, but more prefers motorcycles and quad bikes. At the skates, the actress also rides, often goes on the ice along with his beloved. Recently, the actress showed how Averbukh works on the "Ice Age" show, and she "interferes."

A couple familiar with more than 10 years, Averbukh and Arzamasov met on the "Ice and Flame" project. Their novel became known in the summer, when the figure skaters and actress were noticed together in the cafe. Sport coach older artist is more than 20 years old, but a couple does not care about the age of age.

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