Sogdiana became a victim of fraudsters


In the last days, singer Sogdian only dreams of peace. Her mobile phone breaks away from collectors calls. As it turned out, a few months ago fraudsters took credit on her name. And now the name of Sogdiana is in the lists of unscrupulous borrowers.

"The criminals simply found somewhere a copy of my passport and took advantage of them to take a loan. And now this small amount has become a real headache - collectors just tear my phone, even the pandemic did not stop them, "Sogdian shared with" Starhit ". Most of all the singer outragets that in such a situation, everyone may be literally. Therefore, it is asked for fair issues. "What grounds can give money on the Internet at all, without personal presence?".

Of course, the star of the Star Factory could well pay money (good, the amount is not crazy) and get rid of the daily telephone terror. But it does not want to do this in principle - why should she pay for other people's sins? Now Sogdian decides how to go out of such a situation - to then tell others and other victims.

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