"I didn't touch him at all.": Prigogine was summoned to the police


The producer of Joseph's Prigogine and Solist of the Leningrad Group Sergei Shnurov, a conflict faced last year. Prigogin stated that during a pandemic, artists show business are in a serious financial situation. This statement ridiculed the cords in the poetic form, which eventually insulted the producer.

The singer appealed to the police, saying that Joseph threatens him. Himself of Prigogin found out about it when he was in a hospital with coronavirus in Dubai. At the moment, the producer was summoned to the police station for interrogation.

Prigogin admitted that this whole situation seems to him a full surr. "When I was invited to come to the interrogation, I was extremely surprised. Is this what we have some new rock and roll went? I did not touch him at all, and at first I wrap me at first, insulted my family, and now he writes about me the same statements to the police? Surr! He has my phone, call, if you want to somehow resolve the question. No, he sends messages through common friends when I'm in Dubai, they say, you can meet with you - at the Amazonico Restaurant. In social networks publicly affects, they say, "Yosya, come out!" Yes, it is better to deal with people of non-traditional orientation than with such "men" like a cord, "said Starhit.ru producer.

Joseph intends to go to court and submit claims for slander and about protecting honor and dignity. Prigogin is confident that the cords at his expense simply piano, because in fact he did not threaten the artist. "We are not collecting a circus there, I would like less clowns. We need people who will act in the interests of the people. He never even get close to Kobzon or Govorukhin, the cords are not able to defend the interests of the representatives of the music industry. It seems to me that he is an ordinary rogue from a business that simply makes money, trading Mat and Haipuy to all in a row. And at the same time, it is also managed to remain unpunished, "the producer concluded.

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