Victoria Bonya: "Why do people like to suffer so much?"


Resting in Monaco, Victoria Bonya decided to refer to subscribers in his instagram account with the question: "Why do people love so much (choose consciously) suffer and do not like to live in bliss and enjoyment?" (Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - approx.).

The TV host admits that he knows the answer to this question and knows how to help these people, but despite this, they still prefer to "live through suffering and pain."

"It turns out, this is an informed state of suffering ... I am striking the unwillingness to be happy here and now and the desire to be confused and dull always and everywhere. Maybe they do not understand that happiness is an unpunished state and you can not pay it without paying anything?! " - appeals to his public bonia. The star asked her follovers to explain to her this paradox.

Victoria's subscribers in the comments began to share their reasoning and life positions. Even the famous fashion designer Diora Usmanov expressed his point of view on the subject of the post: "People are afraid that you need to pay for happiness, and for the suffering they are waiting for a remuneration. But there is something deeper in this and something in a happy condition is required to connect a much greater will to gain wisdom than in a state of suffering. Growth through suffering is often sharp and rapid, it is an intuitive choice for human needs. Also, as for the growing muscles, a physical activity is required, the mental load is needed for the growth of the soul.

Many people wrote that it was laid in our mentality of the time of centuries, with proverbs and sayings - "God endured, and we will suffer," which fell firmly in the minds of people.

Note that for its 40 years Victoria Bonia has never been in official marriage. From 2010 to 2017, the TV presenter lived in a civil marriage with the son of Irish billionaire Alex Mezhdatit, who was the younger of the Russian Star for 5 years. On March 17, 2012, the Pair had a daughter of Angelina-Leticia. However, the overall child did not strengthen a couple, which broke out due to the unwillingness of a man to start children. After parting, the girl remained with her mother. Now Victoria and heiress live together in London.

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