Victoria Makarskaya revealed his beauty recipe


A few hours ago, the spouse of Anton Makarsky Victoria decided to share with the subscribers of "Instagram" with its secrets of beauty. In the post, she admitted that as soon as it starts to lose the form, goes to the market where she buys celery and parsley, cucumbers, as well as any types of salads and pumpkin. During the week, every morning, the artist breakfasts with a kefir with buckwheat: "From the evening I fill in a large cup of kefir and mix with it 3 tablespoons of buckwheat cereals (not boiled). During the night, buckwheat is filled with moisture and in the morning the breakfast is ready. "(Hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the author are preserved, approx.).

Then Makarskaya listed the following rules: do not smoke - "otherwise everything else is useless"; Alcohol - only in acute necessity and exclusively in medicinal doses - only natural red wines, no more than a glass. Daily Actress's empty stomach drinks two glasses of water with a break of ten minutes: "With a granule of sea salt. Crupinet salt into tongue and drink water. " During the day, Victoria eats only what the body requires: "Do not join himself with an unloved, allegedly useful food." Summarizing, the singer recommended its subscribers to check the blood on the tolerability of certain products. One of the important rules of the artist is the absence of envy and offense on others: "Do not leave any situation unresolved and exciting me. If you do not have the opportunity to make up - I begin to pray for the offender or by the one who herself offended. Wonderfully reconciliation comes. "

And the poor mood of Victoria connects with idleness - when it is occupied by a favorite thing, "does not happen bad."

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