Olga Zarubina decided to go to the beloved to America


It is known that now the new chosen one of the 62-year-old Russian performer Olga Zarubina lives in the United States. Recently, the artist announced its intention in the near future to emigrate to the beloved. The man is also an artist, but his name is still in secret. The couple met on social networks and had never met.

"But I knew nothing about him before we began to communicate. But he carefully watched him at my work and very precisely applies to me. He already told me about the wedding, "- quotes the singer" Starkit ".

In October, the performer of the hit "On the motor ship plays" plans to go to America to finally get acquainted with the new beloved. However, the possible marriage of Zarubin speaks with caution.

"We are no longer at that age to jump into the pool with your head. I already had a similar experience, my first marriage, where everything was bright, quickly, and see what happened from it. Nothing happened, "notes Olga.

For a woman now it is very important to have a personal space. "This is not about the fact that I can meet with other men, there can be no speech about it. This is about the fact that two adults people give each other conditional freedom. And the second criterion, most important to me - kindness. Because the evil people I did a lot in my life, I was enough, "says Zarubina.

Recall that the celebrity was married three times. With the first husband, a musician Alexander Malinin, she was divorced with a loud scandal - a woman accused Showman in a naughty attitude to the common daughter Kiru Evdokimova.

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