Volochkova won the court from the former husband


The former prima of the Bolshoi Theater Anastasia Volochkova returned from Astrakhan and praised the victory in court - she won the process of apartments. The artist managed to prove that in 2008 she gave three million dollars to her former husband Igor Vdovina at his request - in debt for the year. Means man invested in the construction of an elite residential complex on the banks of the Volga River.

"This was at that time 3 million dollars! I am not returned to me until now. Part of the apartments is not completed so far, and construction stopped. I understand that even if I have to sell those apartments that are built, but with a violation of the term and 10 years later, then, taking into account inflation, I will not get a third of the money that I gave the debt to a person who poured me to return me After a year with interest, "and then the spelling and punctuation of the author remained, - approx.)," said the dancer on the personal page "Instagram".

"That's all these years and now there is a former husband who lives for my money and the most interests that I would have enough for life. This is done by Alphonsees and dishonest people who have no conscience, "the celebrity summarized, adding that it was extremely important to prove his right point and that it was a matter of honor.

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