Media: Petrosyan and Bruukhnova live in different apartments


According to some reports, Evgeny Petrosyan and Tatiana Bruukhnova officially issued relations in December last year. The network says that in March of this year they had a common heir to whom the surrogate mother gave birth.

Many fans were confident that the spouses live together, as they noticed the photos in the same interiors in their microblogs. But recently it turned out that in fact 74-year-old satiri and his 31-year-old chosenship live in different apartments on the same floor and simply periodically go to visit each other.

Recently, disinfection workers visited the apartments of a couple - they carried out antiseptic processing. According to them, the situation in Petrosyan's apartment was calm and even pedantic, no personnel. But the apartment Bruhunova created a completely different impression.

"A lot of things are alypical, fright. Vases, things, Ponte, all appeal. It seemed to me, somewhat awkward. I went into the bathroom - I noticed that the toothbrush is electric, and only one. The second is not, "the employee of the Komsomolskaya Pravda brigade quotes.

"They are incompatible in the way of life completely. Very different people, even judging by their dwellings. And most importantly, nor in his nor in her apartment there are no signs of the child. Neither diapers, nor children's rattles, nothing. If children are in the apartment, it is immediately visible, "the man who visited celebrities.

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