Volkova, Todorenko, Samoilova - who else motherhood turned out to be in a burden


Alas, but the care of children is not only the choice of beautiful dresses and T-shirts, but also "Bytovukha". Feed, walk, throw dirty things in the washing, then stroke them, play, talk - and the day passed. Women who want to build a career in parallel, accounts for quite hopeless. Tired of worries, they admit that motherhood is incredibly difficult. Remember the quotes of stars:

Regina Todorenko

"I did not sleep half a year and at the same time almost every day was shot. I considered that during this time I had about 90 working days. My decree lasted only 15 days. I may need to a psychologist, "the TV host reported in Storsith. Regina noted that she had a dream problem, and with rest at all, and concluded that "a woman cannot live in such a graphics and raising a small child."

Kate Middleton

In a pandemic, the royal family had to abandon the services of almost all assistants and perform everything on their own. "I became a hairdresser, the children came terror from the fact that their mother cuts her hair. We turned into teachers and try our best, but at the end of the day I feel exhausted, "she honestly shared in a conversation with other parents. At the shoulders of Kate, the upbringing of three children, the youngest of which only this year will be 3 years old. However, she noted that her husband was in many ways helped her and offered to other parents not shy to ask for help.

Oksana Samoilova

In the family, the businesswoman were born literally one after another, so that it was not so much in the presence of nannies. In the joking form of Oksana, the subscribers complained from which he was tired: "Of course, I do not like to sleep. This is a classic, and in any one in the first place. I can not endure a hundred layers of clothes on them in winter under squeal and oh. I hate, when you finally hit this combo damned over five pantyhose, and Maya is this: "Mom, I want to write!" " 'About playing with the fuck, evained a thousand times on the day of clothes, spilled borsch on a white chair, fights, controversy, quarrels, squeal, ory, endless cycle of Wishlists, circles, classes, take, take, put, help, prepare, bring. I don't even write about it, I will not write separately, "she concluded.

Ekaterina Volkova

"I went to work just 1 (!) A month after childbirth, it was a real test, honestly. Andrei then was swallowed in his projects, so the child for the most part had to do me, and somehow everyone's time ... Liza is now super-supershot - it is not necessary to nurse with her, but she is not yet a teenager. " The star shared a personal history in response to numerous questions about why she does not give birth to the second child. According to her, before she dreamed of a big family, but a hyperactive daughter, who had difficulty, changed her plans.

Charlize Taron

"I don't know how people do not go out at all. I have two children and still this damn dog in the backyard. I get up every day at 5:30, I cook breakfast to children, collect them Lunch. And after the filming, I go to my trailer, I rented makeup, I return home and everything in a circle, "the star confesses. However, it still tries to be the best version of himself for the sake of children, because her childhood did not really really have. The father-alcoholic preceded them with her mother, so that once even shot the door of the women behind the women. And Mom Charlize answered him the same - at the court, the murder was justified as self-defense.

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