Cellulite perminovaya, lush forms Rihanna: these stars are not shy of their body


Bodiposive - already established social phenomenon, especially popular in the United States and Western European countries. The reason is that women and men are tired of feeling the pressure of society about their appearance, and especially weight. It's great that there are those who declare themselves about their position not to judge people by their external data. For example, I recently did Nastya Kamensky - read the details here. And in this material we will tell about other stars that are not shy of excess weight.

Lena Perminov

"This post in support of all those who is going through" orange peel ". Whatever the angle and light, let there be fewer complexes and more love for themselves, girls, "once wrote Lena in his blog under photo in a swimsuit. The secular diva does not edit their photos and prefers to live in harmony with him.

Evgeny Kulik

The humorist is not much shy of excess weight. You can even say that thanks to him he became popular and starred in several films. Evgeny himself does not comment on how he belongs to the bodypositive, but one thing is clear - in his life of the positive and so much even without the prefix "Bodi". He married, recently a couple had a child, a kulik himself is engaged in creative projects and works in his pleasure.


A popular rap performer believes that you should not be shying your weight. It develops its own collection of underwear, in which every girl would feel attractive. "I am a complete girl, and if I can't wear this underwear itself, it means that this occupation is not worth it. I have to see how it sits on my hips, stomach - whether it is suitable for me or well only on thin models. This is important, "she said in one of the interviews.

Natasha Koroleva

To be near Tarzan and look bad - the perfect crime? The truth is that the spouse of the star does not worry about her weight. Natasha itself fights all his life with overweight, but it seems that she has already humbled. Rounded hips and lush breasts - natural for the stars of form, so why get rid of them? The queen loves to cook and eat, so let it do it with pleasure!

Victoria Dayneko

"Yesterday at the premiere, one perfect person took me from his back into his instagram and condemned my legs. You see, they are imperfect, they saw cellulite, and the dress is short, as in general, I dreamed to show everyone that a living person, "the angry post once wrote. Victoria condemned those who negatively relate to non-standard appearance and can scold a person for his appearance. "As for my body, I have no problems with him. It is better to have cellulite on the hips than in the brain, "she concluded.

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