Lyubov Tikhomirova is waiting for the firstborn


Russian actress Lyubov Tikhomirov shared joyful news: she waits for the firstborn. Last year, the girl married Carizer-Khommerster Laszlo Dolinsky, and eight months after the celebration, love became pregnant.

"We were with Lasshlo for the new year in Israel. There I felt that some changes occur with the organism. Upon returning to Moscow, I made a test that showed two cherished stripes. But you will not believe the news that I am pregnant in our family did not surprise anyone! (Laughs). Because for Lasslo, and for me, and for my mother, the pregnancy was planned. What kind of happiness is that our desire coincided with the will of God! " - Quoted Tikhomirov "7 days".

"There was no month, as a friend was immediately declassified - Nonna Grishaeva and Maria Poroshina. Both - Moms with experience and eyes have already been notated. They immediately saw that I had a gait, a look, face. During the performance, for Kulisami Nonna Cunning winning, asked: "Lyuba, you don't want to tell me anything?" I had to declassify. Producers, I also warned, accounted for a tour of the tour "without flights," the actress noted.

As it turned out, it is planning to give birth Tikhomirov in Moscow. The firstborn must appear in September. "We do not know the floor of the child. At the wedding, we were collected on the girl, but for some reason I think the boy will be born. In the first months I did not have toxicosis at all. And a new strange addiction appeared - I always want to watch boxing! " - noted love.

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