Gorynych and Green Zmiy: History of Float Garika Sukacheva


After a couple of months, December 1, Garik Sukachev will celebrate the 60th anniversary. Now, Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igor Igorly, but it seems to be in the soul, he remained Garick or, as his friends call him, Gorynych.

Let's start with the dissemination of myths. For some reason, many believe that Garik Sukachev is a sort of simple Tushinsky guy who suddenly smiled at luck. Igor Ivanovich himself laughs that "Tushinsky guy" is only a comfortable cover. "In fact, I was always advanced, I studied in a good Tushin school, in the 819th. In addition, it was graduated from the head of the Theater of the Moon Sergey Prokhanov, the drummer of the group "Araks" Anatoly Abramov, "he says. Sukachev prefers to call himself a "difference" - yes, not from majors, but not from the lowest: "My father was a famous engineer, Mom - a cook, and his mother's brother, Uncle Boria, - and at all the director of the Red Triangle plant in St. Petersburg "

The fact that the "guy from the neighboring courtyard is not really simple, confirms Sergey Galanin. When the musician, who once started with Garick Rock career, was asked to characterize his long-time friend, he replied directly: they say, do not look at his non-zero appearance. "His noncains is such a trap. Garik was never a simple, he is an esthete. Real Estet, not glamorous. "

It's hard to believe in it, but Garik spent his childhood behind Royal. "My dad brought up like Mozart. I played gamma at least three hours every day without days off. "

December 1 Garik Sukachev celebrates the 60th anniversary

December 1 Garik Sukachev celebrates the 60th anniversary

Natalia Mushchinkina

Father wanted the Son to become a classic musician. However, after receiving the school attest, Sukachev went to the railway workers. I learned in the technical school, at the faculty "Construction of railways, path and travel economy." Then he began working as an engineer in the management of the Moscow Railway, in the Riga department. Then, at the beginning of the eighties of the last century, all the trains who left Moscow and returned back, by decision of the party and the government, literally overnight became longer on four cars. Accordingly, all the old stations that had short platforms needed to be converted. This is the task and commissioned, including Sukachev. Designing the railway station of the native Tushina - his hand.

In general, if you consider together with practice, then the Garik has worked for seven years along the railway specialty. But in parallel always engaged in music. Not classical, what his father dreamed of, but rock and roll. And when Rock was officially allowed, immediately abandoned its work of the railway.

Orchestra of proletarian jazz

The Brigade C Group officially left underground in 1987. The orchestra of the proletarian jazz - the teams themselves called the teams themselves. It must be said that the rock community met Garikov's pretty cool. Against the background of other rock-n-roll slabs "Brigade C" - with their huge spirit section - looked like a foreign creature. But the group constantly received invitations to different rock festivals, so they gradually accepted them "for their own."

"We were young guys, did what they wanted. Were hot, evil, merciless. Nihilism in his youth is perfectly, "Garik believes. After a couple of years, in 1989, the group recorded the first solo album "nonsense", which instantly became one of the best-selling rock records. And in this climax group "Brigade C" ... ceases to exist.

Then there were still attempts to return the team, but still the team - when one for everyone, and all for one thing - no longer existed. The project "Non-acceptable" appeared, but he looked like this: the star Garik Sukachev and some musicians (varying degrees of fame in rock circles).

Close friends and colleagues Gorynych say that his rustic appearance is a hoax. In fact, the musician is a real esthete

Close friends and colleagues Gorynych say that his rustic appearance is a hoax. In fact, the musician is a real esthete

Sergey Nikolaev

Film, film, film ...

It is clear that to each person who year after year performs the same work, periodically comes fatigue. And the musicians in this sense are no exception. Especially Russian - taking into account their infinite Ches on cities and water, speeches on corporate parties and weddings with a drinking-snacking public. Sukachev has its proven recipe for these cases. Chopping sticks, as he calls them. "When music becomes too much, I throw it," he says.

It is clear that the musicians of his team due to such a position of their leader accounted for quite hopelessly, Sukachev dismissed a group for several months (or even years old). But for Garik fans, only the advantages. After all, during this time he has time to remove the film, to play back in the pair of troika and try himself as a TV presenter.

The director Alexander Mitta brought to the cinema of our hero. And Garik understood: it is his element. "I wanted to enter the highest directorial courses to Mitte, but he dissuaded me. He then said: "Now you can already look for money and remove everything you want."

And he began to shoot. True, according to Sukacheva, the filmmaker colleagues still do not accept him for "their" (as sometime rockers). And this is despite the fact that at the moment in his filmography as director - six paintings. In parallel, he himself is filmed in the movies. And not in my films, but from other directors.

And such omnivorous of the Garika Sukacheva himself is very suitable. "Nothing that I do all my life, is not my main profession. I can never orient himself on something, the main one. Therefore, I always have the right to choose. "

... and a sweetheart

However, if you ask what is most importantly for Igor Ivanovich - music or cinema, he is not thinking by: family. The image of a rock musician, who has in every city on his "touring wife," is not about him. "I have a feeling that I was born married. I am married since 1983. Care yourself how many years. And so well, that the problems of mistresses, the fans for me simply do not exist. "

With his wife Olga, he met back to 1975. The Garic himself was sixteen, and Olga and less - about fourteen. "We met for eight years, while relatives did not suggest:" But wouldn't you get married? "Well, we got married." Together they passed fire, water and copper pipes. And Olga, as a real battle girlfriend, always came to the rescue. For example When Garik was going to shoot his first film as a director, and did not manage to find money, then the spouse did not think the restaurant belonging to her.

"For me, my wife is like sun, air, water, bread, natural and necessary phenomenon," says Sukachev. That is why almost all songs written by him somehow dedicated to her. But there is one that carries her name, - Hit "Olga" from the album "Brel, Brene, Brene." All compositions that entered this disk were written in Kaliningrad. There, family couple went to relax on the sea, however, as it often happens in the Baltic, it rained almost a week. Neither swim, nor sunbathe - just sit in a day in a hotel room. But there was not so fun - because of the bad weather, electricity turned off, and the spouses were practically in the role of hostages. "Then I, to support my wife, told her:" Olya, I will sit and write you songs. " So I got a whole album. "

The couple have two children. Senior Alexander studied for a long time abroad. First in England, where he graduated from the Faculty of "Operator's Business and New Technologies" at the University of Roehempton. Then a few more years - in Hollywood, in the American Institute of Cinema (AFI), where he studied the installation of gaming cinema. And I did not immediately, only with the second attempt - the competition there was insane. In 2015, the directorial debut of Alexander took place, he removed the short film "Forgotten", who received the first award at the Saint Anna short film contest. And now the son often helps his father - when it is necessary to make a clip or mount the film. By the way, Alexander Korolev operates under the name of the mother - to avoid constant comparisons with his famous Father.

Daughter Nastya appeared in the family late enough when Garica was already forty-four years. Now the girl fifteen, she still a schoolgirl and a future profession did not decide.

Drunk chronicles

Unlike many Ceboribriti Sukachev, although he loves comfort, nevertheless did not surround himself guard. "I go through the streets, buying cigarettes in ordinary stores - no one is missing for the sleeve," he says.

It prevents him only one thing - addiction to alcohol. Everyone who knows the Garik is more or less good, knows his periodic "care to the astral". Sometimes breaks between the rugs are large enough, sometimes not very.

However, he will manage to find here and pros. "As you know, all the best works of art were created or with a hangover, or in the abstinence syndrome. The best is born in pain. When you are calm, it's good to catch a fish or go to the mushrooms, play with children, with a friend in chess, watch TV, stupid lying on the sofa. "

However, three years ago he got into the clinic, the doctors literally pulled him from the world. Since then, of course, much has changed. "Did I won alcohol? It seems to me that I won it all my life, "says Garik about his relationship with Green Zmiem. "At some point I realized that from young age I struggle with alcohol and did not drink. In this sense, I have bad blood: alcohol for me - Beach, and I am glad that everything is best able to cope with this vice. "

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