Alexey Panin again arranged a deba


Actor Alexey Panin, famous for his scandalous leavings, was once again distinguished. The artist arranged a row in one of the entertainment centers of Blagoveshchensk Amur region. Being in a state of alcohol intoxication, Panin broke the dishes.

"In the cafe, he appeared in the morning of Tuesday. There was already drunk. I made a scandal with the service personnel because of the account, "the employee of the Interfax entertainment center quotes.

According to her, Alexey broke a lot of dishes and damaged the equipment. Damage to the institution amounted to about 30 thousand rubles. As a result, the staff of the institution had to call employees of private security.

"I arrived at the place of an actor digester," the employee noted.

The press service of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed the fact of drawing up a protocol against Panin, but after all the circumstances of what happened turned out, the actor was released.

"Damage to the institution, he reimbursed in full," stressed in the department.

Recall that this is not the first time when the actor becomes a member of such scandals. A little earlier, being on tour in the Amur City of Flood, Panin arranged a drunken debach in one of the city cafes.

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