Money does not help: choose stars, which would have to change the sake of decency


Style talks a lot about man. Fucking in childhood people who and 40 years old are sparkles, rhinestones and funny prints, you need to turn to the stylist. And although in society it is believed that clothes no longer affect the perception of a person, it is not. Do not affect brands, but it matters tidiness, choice of clothing in size, color and style. Alas, some celebrities a feeling of taste should be trained ...

Anastasia Volochkova

Ballerina often chooses inappropriate shapes in the type of shapes and outdated prints. The Volley Figure of the type "Inverted Triangle" is wide shoulders and narrow thighs. To balance the bottom, she needs to wear more voluminous trousers and jeans of free cut, add in the wardrobe dresses with the Sun skirt. Instead, she always wears narrow jeans and loose shirts or t-shirts. Do not do it this way!

Britney Spears

The pop star of the 2000s is even worse. Britney type "rectangle" type, which means it needs a stamps that would create a larger effect in the buttocks and shoulders or, on the contrary, Visually narrowed the waist. Instead of clothes in the style of a color-block, which could balance her figure due to a contrast effect, Spears dongs dubious outfits - leopard overalls, transparent turtlenecks with outdated prints and mini shorts. Britney, it's time for a stylist!

Evelina Bledans

Eh, Evelina! With such parameters like the star, and the perfect type of the "Hourglass" figure would be to wear dresses-cases and business costumes, but instead of them the actress often chooses unfortunate images. Checkered trousers, shiny jackets, colored tights, tunics with leggings - all this last century. Celebrities It is precisely worth making a wardrobe revision and choose your style vector - she is very deeply saturated tones and fresh gentle shades, but not fit almost no print.

Anna Semenovich

Dressed stylishly at the singer is obtained with varying success. Anne goes dresses with a V-neck, multi-layered and wide belts on the waist, if you look at successful examples of its onions in instagram. But most often the star chooses sports suits Oversiz, who with her big breasts make the top even more powerful - this is the main error. In general, the convenience, she needs to push into the background, because with such a rhythm of life you need to always look good and able to pick up universal clothes for business meetings, rehearsals and family dinners.

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