Molding apples or filter? Stars whose age is difficult to guess without searching on the Internet


Why is one luck not to take care of the face and look young, and even expensive cosmetics do not help? The main reason for DNA, the second most important is the amount of ultraviolet in the region of residence, and the third is a lifestyle. These stars know that healthy spirit and its corresponding appearance will be only in a healthy body.

Maxim Galkin - 44 years

Already on June 19, the TV presenter will celebrate the 45th anniversary. Does Maxim look like your age? Definitely no! The reason we see, in the ability to maintain a balance between work and personal life, and in the work itself too. Maxim leads the transfer about children, where when shooting it gets such a charge of positive emotions, which is enough for a few days ahead! Yes, and he himself, as you can judge the video, and we - to communicate with him, an easy to rise and an incredibly positive person. And the one who goes in life with a smile will always stay a little child.

Jennifer Aniston - 52 years

The actress of the series "Friends" is literally a month ago 52 years old. Who would have thought? And only loyal fans know how much the star is working on their appearance. Jennifer tries to observe the day of the day, follow the nutrition and pay free time. It is not surprising that the main beauties of Hollywood are under such beauty - Brad Pitt, Justin Tera and others.


Ingeborga - Woman of delightful aesthetics. Its unusual beauty is combined with a fragile figure and stunning internal qualities, which in the complex makes people look at her with fascinated eyes and literally not to notice traces of age on her face. After all, you see, in pleasant people of the flaws as if not?

Ann Hathaway - 38 years

About this actress say that her appearance over the years did not change at all. And truth, if you compare the photos of the beginning of the 2000s and modern, it is noticeable that over the years the woman only looked. It took shape her figure, the features of the face, became more confident gait and a speech manner. It is about such that they say that age them to face!

Dmitry Nagiyev - 53 years

Well, clearly no more than 45! Believe that the famous TV presenter April 4 will be 54 years old, difficult. Dmitry overtures a diet for many years and is engaged in sports to keep himself in shape. It is equally important for him to engage in spiritual development to keep up with the times, but not forget to learn from their mistakes. It is on it that we will finish today's rating. And who would you add to the list?

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