Surround knights: the habits of the most nice stars


Among the rich and famous nimble personalities are more than we can assume. Surround celebrities consider each penny and almost fighting for seasonal discounts.

Psychologists have long disassembled along and across such a common phenomenon in human behavior as all-consuming greed. So, for example, the problem is that people are easier to part with money, rather than the rich, in the root of incorrect. Women are mostly scary men. The extraverats open to the world are prone to waste, but the pronounced introverts most often appeal. Next to greed, which, as is known, one of the mortal sins, walks hand in hand and another vice - envy: researchers noted that envious people are prone to greed, and greedy - to envy. By and large, greed - the "symptom" acquired, signaling about the acute lack of love and desire to compensate for its acquitted good, with which it is almost impossible to part. Some people thus close holes in self-esteem. The more interesting is to observe the behavior of celebrities showing obvious signs of sight, is obviously not everything is so smooth in the Danish kingdom.

Greed and vice

About the ex-"Perchinka", the wife of David Beckham and the designer Victoria Beckham walks a lot of rumors relating to her self-esteem. Fans point out that the star is extremely rarely smiling, behaves more than restrained if not to say cold. But it turns out that the woman is scooping not only on emotions: the owner of a multi-million state is the one elsekuka! Mrs. Beckham never encourages the service personnel by Tea (that in Western culture is considered a mandatory manifestation of good tone). Moreover, in full growth, feeling your star status, Victoria requires free maintenance beauty salons! By the way, the Barsky shirts were manifested in her before she became a designer, even in the residence of the Spice Girls group. Vicky arranged hysteries to the owners of fashion boutiques, demanding from their owners to give her expensive outfits. Even their relatives - her husband, sister and parents - Beckham does not indulge and give gifts exclusively on large holidays, and most often it is something minor. The exception in his greed policy star makes for children.

Victoria Beckham refused to pay for the services of beauty salons and stylists

Victoria Beckham refused to pay for the services of beauty salons and stylists


The Scandalist Lindsay Lohan also loves "free cheese", which requires itself on the occasion and without, appealing to the owners of salons, shops and hotels: "I'm a star!" A lover of freebies does not just put the conditions, she ... runs away from the crime sites, without leaving a penny. The scheme of its behavior is simple: after she is done by manicure or laying, the girl goes into the toilet - and no longer returns to the checkout. But who knows, perhaps, this is not greed, but a banal passion for hooliganism, which in Lindsay in the blood?

Another in the past scandalous person, singer Britney Spears, boasts a considerable state. A woman happily spends money on his own stage costumes, but very fit in the promotion of others. So, Britney is famous for all Hollywood extremely spitting in restaurants and a cafe: she quit for waiters, demanding not to include not like it (but completely eaten) dish in the expense, and never leaves tips. However, each rule has its exceptions. So, once, Spears paid the parking service, thumping him under the feet crumpled bills with the words: "Here are your money!"

The same ambiguous behavior "became famous" and her senior colleague, Madonna. By the way, Maddy got into another our list - she headed the rating of the main stratchors of the Western Show Business. Well, who is spent on his beloved star and really does not consider, but when it comes to pay for the services of his professional team - sound producers, choreographers and costumes, here Madonna Supur like no other. She knows that many dream of working with her, so it's not shy to oppress my colleagues.

Former Madonna's husband, actor and director Sean Penn, is also not ready to get out of tea by serving staff. He assures that the waiters "and just enough." At the same time, a miser man actively calls for the charity of others, and the correct forms are not always used for this. So, he agitated girls whose men did not help the restoration of Haiti after the earthquake, to start a sexy boycott for them. I wonder if the girlfriend of Charlize Theron listened to this moment at that time?

Britney Spears never leaves tip

Britney Spears never leaves tip


In all, the correct Gwyneth Paltrow, which is considered almost the standard of women, also does not seek to encourage waiters. However, many of them make up the feeling that the actress is not bumping, but "just stupid." "It seemed to me that Paltrow was simply unable to count fifteen percent of the account - and, throwing attempts, surrendered and retired without tea. So she is not greedy, but just stupid, "one waitress comments on the situation.

Among the nimble celebrities, many narcissists, who sincerely believe that the appearance of their person in stores and restaurants is already a holiday in itself and any money at these moments of speech simply cannot go. Not very well-known (and not only the Russian, but also to the Western viewer) Artist Jeremy Pivan became the object of ridicule due to the fact that the generously squeezed sellers, hairdressers and waiters ... Discs with their own films! Also, the canonical joy, and in part-time rock icon of our time, eccentric Mick Jagger is also entered. He famously signs checks and napkins, paying for autographs their purchases. By the way, such behavior for Jagger is observed not only towards the service personnel. All his numerous mistresses complained that the Millionaire's singer would never pour them with the presents, saying something like: "The main gift is me." The cunning rap-performer Asher always tries to walk around restaurants and shops with someone, but never pays for purchases and joint gatherings.

Paul McCartney is the most nimble from the legendary four "Beatles". The singer and composer very cleanedly pretends to buy a bottle of wine to dinner, "forgot" to make a gift to her daughter or not chosen what to present a spouse. With his assistants and employees of the scene scenes, the floor is paid ... beer banks! Tommy Cooper Honor Komik kept the Mark of Humorist and in his amazing greed. So, he wouldingly distributed to the taxi drivers "on tea". "Hold, Starina," Cooper sentenced, putting crumpled tea bags in his pocket!

A tendency to the misfortune is known and one of the greatest creators of the Renaissance, Michelangelo Buonotti. The artist loved to record himself into the mill of the poor, constantly complained to colleagues and customers on the extreme degree of poverty. Genius lived in slums without furniture, somehow was fed, wore rags. Naturally, no help - neither material nor moral - did not give her native Michelangelo, referring to what it gets pennies. Meanwhile, he earned great money, because his talent and skills were recognized and demanded by contemporaries. By the way, the artist was taken for any job. Who got the wealth of Boonotti after his death - unknown.

Economy in a rich house

It is often possible to easily confuse greed with extreme economy. Nevertheless, Robert Pattinson is one of the most economic and business actors of Hollywood - has never been seen in waste. He explains his passion for the calculation and economy: the money goes to him "hellish labor", so he does not see the meaning to let them on the wind. So, ex-"vampire", which receives record fees, never buys expensive cars. He has an old car, which he presented his parents - and this means of movement with a young man more than enough. Robert has already cleaned his "iron horse" several times and is not going to stop.

In the daily life of Sara-Jessica Parker is not at all similar to his glamorous heroine Kerry Bradschow

In the daily life of Sara-Jessica Parker is not at all similar to his glamorous heroine Kerry Bradschow


Icon style, famous Kerry Bradshaw, actress Jessica Parker is not at all similar to his screen image. Woman obsessed economy: home complain that Jess walks around the house, turning off the light and checking, not much water uses relatives in the bathroom. Parker is not hesitating to take things from the girlfriends, and when it comes to shopping, the star - again a contraction with its screenwriter - prefers democratic brands for worry prices.

Another serial star, the "desperate housewife" Teri Hatcher, went even further: she takes furniture and other interior items from removal sites. "Why disappear?" - comments the famous actress. By the way, the fees from participation in the show Mrs. Hatcher could buy several furniture stores.

Keanu Rivz - the pets of the American public, who conquered the fans with his eternal melancholism and sadness, seems to be generally far from enjoying material benefits. The actor refused a personal car (and even more so - from a personal driver), moves on a taxi or by public transport. From the entertainment that the celebrity prefers are only available leisure activities: walks in the parks, hiking at discord supermarkets and second-handa. Rivz is neglected in exceptional cases, which is mainly taking off in old stretched clothing. The man could be suspected in the naughtyness, but the involuntary actor applies only to himself. The rest of Keanu is a generous benefactor, and his activity is trying to modestly hide from the public.

Obsession of discounts and sales - a strange addiction for stars that can afford to pay the full price for the product or service. But the actress Zone Deschanel is completely not shy of his passion to all sorts of ways to save. The girl collects coupons, waiting for the season of festive sailors, visits garage fairs and flea markets. Journalists managed to make data on monthly spending the Deschanel, which she proved to the court for a divorce with her husband. According to this data, the actress spends on accommodation about one and a half thousand dollars (or hundred thousand rubles for our money) per month. According to star standards, this is a penny. At the same time, it does not forget about charity, which allocates fifty thousand rubles every month.

Millionaires and slums

It is said that there are no big whores than the richest and most successful people in the world. They say, they would not become millionaires millionaires if they did not consider each penny and did not report their relatives. And the closer get acquainted with some of them, the more right it seems this remark. For example, the owner of IKEA stores Ingvar Camprad is the owner of an impressive condition and a very specific nature. Coloring Swede almost completely refused travel: he goes on the road exclusively on affairs and only if the receiving party takes on all expenses. If his relatives insist on vacation trip, Ingvar removes the cheapest hotels - certainly with the included breakfasts, from where he takes out everything that can. Is it worth saying that the furniture king dress solely on the sale.

Zoei Deschanel Obsesses all sorts of ways to save

Zoei Deschanel Obsesses all sorts of ways to save


Another colorful character, owner of the famous company Tetra Pak, Hans Rawing, could seem like a simple fearless pensioner. It sniffs from a rural hairdresser, with whom she is traded for discounts. Moreover: Pension discounts have Mr. Rausing in all stores and at all refills (which a man visits Russian-made Niva car on an old car).

But if the two previous millionaires have a comfortable, but not the horrifying habits of the skideev, the behavior of the following personalities is shocking. Petroleum magnate John Paul Ghetty was so obsessed with an increase in his capital, which was installed in his own guest houses paid payphones. Thus, visitors to Villa Getty were forced to pay a telephone connection. But the most awesome act of a millionaire was a refusal to pay a ransom for ... native grandson! In response to this, the kidnappers sent a cruel grandfather a piece of sliced ​​ear. But even after that, GETTI did not rush to fulfill the requirements of criminals. He was striking with them, knocking down the amount of redemption almost six times. In total, the captive teenager has not seen a family for five months. For oil business, undoubtedly, such a strategy of behavior is very successful, but native Mr. Ghetty did not appreciate it.

Another rich relatives affected by extreme greed are the family of American financiers Henrietta Howland Green, who lived at the beginning of the twentieth century. Extremely nimble Madame owned half residential quarters of Chicago, but herself lived in Halup on the outskirts of the city. All my life weathered woman cooked porridge on a slight warm battery, trying not to use gas. When the son of Henrietta broke his leg, the richest female of the USA was looking for a free clinic. As a result, the young man had to carry out amputation, since the treatment was very late. But the disability of the Son did not become a tragedy for this "iron lady". But the news that her housekeeper was overpacing for a bottle of milk, literally reduced Henrietta in the grave: having learned about a terrible embarrassment, the woman suffered a heart attack and died.

The richest man on the planet, financier Warren Buffett, is not greedy, but extremely economical. It does not change for a modest amount of thirty thousand dollars a small-sized (according to the standards of the oligarchs), the house is not inclined to buy cars and does not feed the passion for luxury objects. Moreover: Buffett, which can afford to eat in the best restaurants in the world, prefers a high kitchen dinner in the diner.

As for our compatriots, it turned out to be very difficult to find among Russian celebrities and millionaires. Whether the mysterious Russian soul, the broad and prone to uncontrollable generosity, does not know this vice - whether the press prefers to pose about the manifestations of the greed and the misfortune of our stars.

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