Dog Joy: Star Pets from Shelters


Hollywood stars can afford to buy a pet with the richest pedigree. However, some prefer to look for a four-legged friend in shelters for homeless animals. A couple of weeks ago, the dog from the nursery took Chris Pine. It was found out who else from celebrities showed compassion to the brothers to our smaller.

Chris Pine

The star of films "Star Path" and "at any cost" sheltered the little black and white pit bull, who saw them in one of Los Angeles nurseries. "Even the steep guys are soft hearts. Now Chris has a new friend who is always dedicated to him, "the shelter owners reported. The actor himself is still hiding, as the puppy called.

Ryan Reynolds.

Ryan Reynolds.

Ryan Reynolds.


In 2009, Ryan Reynolds visited a dog shelter to find Labrador for his buddy, but found a friend for himself. "I decided to just walk with a golden retriever puppy, as he unexpectedly climbed into my car and sat down in the front seat. I said: "Come out!", But he jumped on me and put my paws on my neck. It was love!" - told the actor later. His dog Ryan called Baxter.

George Clooney

George and Amal Clooney

George and Amal Clooney


A year after the wedding, George and Amal Clooney had added to the family: the star couple took from the shelter of Basset Hound Milli. A married couple who decided to acquire a basset, stumbled upon a photo of Milli on the shelter website. And she was so fascinated by a dog, which soon suffered to get acquainted with her. Together with him George and Amal took her cocker-spaniel Louis, also once taken actor from the shelter. Spouses wanted to make sure that animals would be able to find a common language. Fortunately for the star couple, Milli and Louis quickly revealed with each other.

Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson

Dwayne Johnson


Last year, Duane Johnson took two puppies of French Bulldog from the shelter, who called Brut and Hobbs. After a couple of days, the four-legged mischills were almost drowned in their master's pool, but the actor rushed to his aid on time and saved the kids. However, a month later, Bruta still had to be sealed, because during the walk he ate some kind of poisonous mushroom. Now Duyne has only Hobbs, but the actor hopes in the near future to find him in a friend's shelter.

Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth

Liam Hemsworth


In 2015, Miley Cyrus, the beloved Liam Hemsworth, decided to pick him up a four-legged girlfriend. In the shelter, Miley saw a puppy named Dor and sent a boyfriend several dozen photographs of a little dog. Liam, who was then in Hong Kong on the set, fell in love with the Dora. And, barely returned home, rushed along with Miley to the nursery to pick up a puppy home.

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